Grabbing my things from the backseat, I head toward the people lining up to register their arrival. Pulling out my phone, I see a string of messages in the group chat Stassie set up last week.


Stassie: Let us know when you get there safely, Muffin

Stassie: Drinking before a big drive wasn’t the best idea

Kris: She’ll be fine. She had an early night ;)

Mattie: I’m not fine in case anyone cares

Bobby: How early?

Kris: According to the UCMH gossip page she took Jennie Kim up to her room and they did not reappear

Lola: I can’t believe you read that shit. They posted that I might be pregnant two weeks ago because someone told them I was crying in Kenny’s. I literally had hot sauce in my eye

Mattie: Nobody cares then? Okay cool cool cool

Bobby: Why does Jennie Kim sound familiar?

Stassie: She’s friends with Kai

Robbie: You watched her give Lisa a lap dance last night genius

Bobby: No I know that but her name sounds familiar

Mattie: “Friends with Kai” has never worked out well for any guy

Stassie: Nate told me to tell you to fuck off

Kris: That was Jennie Kim???

Lola: Am I the only woman at this school Kai hasn’t stuck his dick in?

Robbie: Yes and I thank the stars for that daily

Stassie: Nate told me to tell you to fuck off as well

Kris: Her dad owns Fenrir. The F1 team with the wolf

Bobby: Oh shit

Stassie: Nate is excited by that news for some reason

Lola: She was hot. Congrats Muffin

Henry: You guys are annoying

Henry: I thought someone had died

Henry: There’s no need for people who see each other every single day to text this much

Robbie: The only person who’s gonna die is Muffin when she realizes she’s gonna have to pretend to like F1 if she ever wants to get laid again

JJ: At least it isn’t something boring like tennis

Robbie: Who let you in here? This group is supposed to be for the people actually staying in Sycamore Hills

JJ: I’ll be there in spirit

JJ: And I get FOMO

Kris: It was Stassie, wasn’t it?

Stassie: Excuse you

JJ: Nah, I negotiated with Hen

Bobby: “Negotiated”

Henry: He hid my paintbrushes

JJ: You’ll be glad of my presence when one you ask for advice from a real world adult

Lola: I’ll be sure to never ever do that

Lisa: This was a lot

Lisa: I’m here but the cell service sucks

I always wondered what it’d be like to be in the “inner circle” when I was on the outside. Now I’m in it, I realize it’s mainly chaos but in a kind of wholesome way. By the time I’m done catching up, I’m at the front of the line, which gives me the perfect opportunity to not dwell on the fact I am once again on some shitty college gossip page, the girl I’m with on there has a super-rich family and that there’s absolutely no way I’m going to be able to fake knowing anything about race cars if I ever see her again.

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