Prologue: The Hunt Begins

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Rain poured relentlessly, drenching the deserted streets of Sugarplum Avenue as the drunken laughter of the men echoed through the quiet neighborhood. Unbeknownst to them, shadows atop an apartment building stirred, revealing a pack of lurking Lycans. The pack leader's eyes glowed with hunger as the first man stumbled into view, unaware of the imminent danger. The pack leader looks at its packmate and nods at the packmate.
The packmate scaled down the building and jumped into a tree.

It silently came down the tree and followed the group. It retracted its long and sharp claws. Swiftly, it dashed at one of the men and sliced off the man's head and retreated into the dark alleyway. The man's friend stopped as he felt something splash on his face.
He touched his face curiously, thinking it was the rain, but he saw his finger was covered in red. It took him long to comprehend, but then it clicked. It was blood. He slowly turns around, and with a petrified look, he sees his friend spinning around with half his head spraying blood all over the place, and he falls on the ground,
The man screams with fear, and the rest group turns around, and they see their friend falling on the floor, backing away from his friend's body.

The group picked him up, and they saw their friend's lifeless body on the floor with half of his head." Jesus, fucking christ!" yelled one of the man.
He threw up upon the sight seeing the corpse, and he looked at his friends with fear in his eyes." H-H-Half of his head is cut off... he was fine an hour ago....and n-now look at him, h-h-h-he's dead." said the man with fear in his voice.
"There's someone or something hiding somewhere in the alleyways, ready to fucking kill us. We can't stay here, and stand still like fucking mannequins. Fuck this shit!" yelled the man. He runs away from his group, distancing himself from them. But, the Lycan swiftly tackled the man into the bush, and man let's out a blood curdling scream, and he went silent.
His friends slowly approached the bush where the man was taken, with fear in their hearts, they heard bones being broken, with a growl. One of the men pulls out his phone and puts the flashlight on. They shined the light and saw their friend's arm on the ground with a blood trail, they follow the blood trail, and they stopped.
They shined the flashlight, and they saw their friends corpse with his abdomen ripped apart and his guts on the floor. Suddenly, they hear chewing and crunching, and they shine the light to the noise, and their hearts stop.

They see the Lycan with dark brown pelt and short, straight, jagged tail.It was chewing and crunching their friends corpse. The group backed away. However, one of the men's phones started to ring, and he tried to put it off, but it was too late.
The creature looked up with its
ears pointing up, and slowly turns around, letting out a soft growl.

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