"The what now-?"

""The Steve Entity"... It's supposed to be a holographic, yet somewhat physical representation of a regular common Steve of no colour." Light explained. "My hope is that it can be used in hospitals to scan and know what's wrong with someone unconscious or in coma to help. So the entity would have to change according to the injured."

"Huh... Very interesting and noble idea of you, Sir."

"...Thanks..." he nodded and whispered after few moments of thoughtful silence.

"Yep! Yet you see... We can't figure out what's wrong with it." Professor Red confirmed and admitted simply with his hands resting on his hips.

"There's something wrong with it?"

"Yeah, it's not looking or working like a hologram. It's acting all weird."

"How am I supposed to help? I don't know any of the blueprints or plans you have nor do I know about genetic science stuff." I said, but that seemed to light a bulb in the goggled head.

"Ah, yes, genetics! Light, have you-"

"Yes, yes, kind of, no and never will."

"... Wow, you're quick to answer-"

"I have done my research, I have asked for help, I have asked a Green Steve for help too but not got him here and I have not and will not have Steve experiments for this."

"..." Red was looking at Light with "Seriously?" look. "You're no fun."

"Was never my goal to be."

"You really should try, might help."

"Ehh, I'm fine with the way I am, thank you."





"... Soo.... Can I actually see this thing?" I was tired and getting impatient. Today's mission was rough and I'd love to get some shuteye.

"Oh, yes, yes! Sorry about that!" Professor apologised and immediately turned on the machine. The inside flickered and glitched with light and something holographic appeared in view. It was.. a figure.. of sorts. They were right, kind of like a hologram, but not quite. It did look like a person - a Steve as they assume. It was transparent with more frequent and thicker lines decorating the curves and outlines

"Huh.. Quite impressive. What'd you use for it?" I stared at it in awe, like it was a puzzle to solve.

"You can take a look over there." Light pointed me to many papers on a desk near where Orange was. I did as he told and went to take a look. So many blueprints and scripts for that.

"Interesting... And it's not supposed to..?" I turned around.

"Look like that.. Or act like that as it's not alive." Light replied

"You don't know that." Light proceeded to give the professor a glare after he had given his comment.

"I never added any genetic material nor let you add any."

ChromaTober | FMS 2023 writing challenge | Hosted by @LoneRanger253Where stories live. Discover now