ghost in the library continued♡

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Peter:You're right. No human being would stack books like this.
Listen! you guys hear something? i asked
You smell something? Ray asked.
Ray: Talk about telekinetic activity! Look at this mess!
Ectoplasmic residue I say
Venkman, get a sample of this I said
It's the real thing Ray says
Pete:Somebody blows their nose and you want to keep it?
We'd like to analyze and egon said at the same time
Ok, let's continue. I wanna see more I said
Ugh, so disgusting as pete says, Putting  the slime in the dish.
Egon your mucus, "Peter says as he hands it over to egon
Guys, watch out, I said
Then, a shelf falls with a crash
You guys ok? I asked them
Yep, they all said.
Peter: This happen to you before?
Ray shakes head.
Peter: Oh, first time?
Ray nods. They continue. Egon's PKE meter goes nuts. They see the library ghost.
Egon: It's here.
Ray/me: A full torso apparition, and it's real.
Peter: So what do we do?
Egon and Ray don't answer.
Peter: Could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?
Peter pulls Ray by the ear.
Peter: Could you just come over here for a second, please? Right over here. Come here, Francine! Come here. What do we do?
Ray: I don't know. What do you think?
Egon starts with calculator, but Peter slaps it away.
Peter: Stop that!
Ray: We've got to make contact. One of us should actually try to speak to it.
Egon: Good idea.
Hey Holly, do u like learning about ghosts? They all asked me
Well, yeah, I mean, who doesn't I said as I smirked." You mean I should go and talk to that ghost ok I'll do it. I'll show you, fellas, how it works. Then I went to the ghost
Hello. I'm holly. Where are you from? Originally.
Library Ghost: Ssh.
Holly goes back.
Me:All right. Okay, the usual stuff isn't working. I say
Ray: Okay, I have a plan. I know exactly what to do. Now stay close, stay close. I know. Do exactly as I say. Ready, ready, get her!
The library ghost turns into a monster and scares them
Peter,Holly Ray and Egon run away
Roger Delicore: Did you see it? What was it?
Peter: We'll get back to you!
Roger Delicore: What?!

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