Prologue: Oh No...

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Palutena's Temple

"For the last time Pit. Am not gonna teach you how to fly for another 4 hours!"

The brownette, the most cheerful angel and persistent of anything, was clinging onto my legs as he sobbed. "Pleaseeeeee! You can fly for so long without a god helping you at all!" I looked at Pit as I crossed my arms, "That's because my wings have been able to grow naturally with me ever since I was born." I continue to walk as the angel continues to latch on my leg. I swear I am close to throwing him to the sea but Poseidon threatened to make me play with the seahorses if I did throw him somewhere off flying lessons.

As much as I like the sea sometimes, those seahorses are clingy as a parasite on a fish's mouth. Heck, one time one of the males gave birth right in front of me. I didn't sleep at all for three days since that just straight up traumatized me. Honestly sometimes Poseidon just forgets to teach me more of the sea but then again am up in land with those humans. They aren't bad just...

Corrupted in some ways...

Palutena is too nice, Viridi is outright mean, Poseidon is okay with them, he likes being neutral, Pyrrhon is Pyrrhon despite being proclaimed as the sun god which if he is. Where is the Moon God/Goddess? The underworld army gods are just them hating humans and rather kill them especially Medusa and Hades. Dyntos just forages weapons and the best god ever since he always creates enemies for me whenever I ask in exchange for some weapon testing or bringing materials for him. Zeus is somewhere in the sky or world, and the love god has been gone for a while. Not dead, just gone.

"Looks like you got a Pit-stain on your legs huh?" I looked to see Pittoo walking up to us with his signature smirk painted on his face. I rolled my eyes as he came down and grabbed Pit by his hair, "Leave our teacher alone or am throwing you down from here!" They both started to tussle on the ground as I stare at them in disappointment, which happens constantly cause these two acted like little kids despite being 13 in angel years while Dark Pit is 4 years but looks 13.

But then again we age slower since we aren't humans or gods. I have been alive for a long long time and not surprisingly I don't have any memories of any other angels besides me but then again Poseidon kept me in the sea most of my life. Am 20 in angel years and that is equivalent to maybe a couple centuries old, possibly older but still 20 either way. These two are all I have to someone being like me.

They still were tussling and then Pit bit Pittoo by the arm which made him hiss in pain and slap him. I sighed as I separated them and bonked them on the head. "Alright knock it off before I throw you both off the ledge." They quickly shut up as they nodded.

"Can you teach us to fly again?" "I gave you a lesson almost 4 hours ago for 4 hours." Pit looked at me as I didn't throw him off the ledge multiple times since I don't know how to actually teach them. "Look I really don't know why your wings are small and since Pittoo here" I pointed at Dark Pit who gave me an angry look, "Is a copy of you he also has small wings. Your wings need to support your weight and be a bit equal to you."

"But your wings are big too!" Pit said as he whined, "Your point? I just can't fly during high wind currents, that's all." Pit still whined as Dark Pit looked ready to beat the living crap out of him. But we then heard the noise of a horse. We turned around to see a black horse with a carriage. I tilted my head as I pondered why a horse was so high here in Palutena's temple.

We got a bit closer as we stared in amazement. "(M/n). What is that?" Pit said as he looked at it in amazement while Dark Pit hid behind me a little. "I think that's what humans call a carriage. From what they told me, only high class humans use them for transport." Both small angels oh'ed as we continue to look at the horse. "Hey. Dare you to get closer to it (M/n)." Dark Pit said smugly which I just scoffed, "Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Zest Fest."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant