(Arc 2) Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Now after that whole fiasco, the next thing is have early morning tea with Xie Lian. Mu Qing and Feng Xin would naturally be there with him. You got along with his two close attendants.

Mu Qing around this time was barely seen by Xie Lian's parents, he was a personal attendant but since the king and queen were always busy they barely see him. It's usually Feng Xin and Xie Lian since he is the bodyguard, who's always glued to the prince's side unlike Mu Qing who's busy doing chores somewhere.

It's not a Xianle palace morning without those two bickering for small reasons, it reminded you when you and your brother would fight for small reasons. Except their quarrel was like a married couple's arguments, but you don't say that out loud to anger them more.

Xie Lian would always scold them for misbehaving infront of you, but you laugh it off. Breakfast with the king and queen, they treated you like you were already part of their family. The queen and his motherly aura ask you how you are feeling every day. The King would be a reporter, delivering news to you about Xianle's politics, economics, etc.

Every day's schedule has a small difference with another. There's a day when both of you spend it all teaching and tutoring him. Then a day when you both are free just to roam around the palace and the capital. Another day where the half is spent on studying, the other half is vacant.

"Okay A-Lian, can you recite me the principles of exercise" Another monday, it was time to evaluate him. "Principle of Overload states that the body must work harder than what it is used to in order for it to adapt...'' Xie Lian's voice trailed of ''Do i have to recite the meanings too..?

"No need" He sighed from relief "Principle of Progression, Specifity, Individuality and Reversibility. Then the FITT principle." You clapped your hands "Well done! Now what is the FOIL method?''

"FOIL method means first, outer, inner and last terms. It's used to multiply two binomials together in operation of functions. Then after multiply you simplify if the product is divisible like 4 divided by 2'' Xie Lian was taking these classes seriously, it's way harder than his goushi's lessons.

Mei Nianqing would teach him spells, martial arts and how to cultivate. It was easy for him. Now you taught him the knowledge only scholars could obtain. Mathematics, History, Physical Education, Communication and Social Science.

When he heard communication as a subject, he thought it was easy. Wrong. "Now tell me how many phonemes are there in the word: mouse?'' Xie Lian sweat furiously "2..?'' You clicked your tongue "It has three distinct sounds. We will start converting words to phonems. Memorize the phonetic chart i gave you" He felt like he was about to die

Social Science was a bit easier for him "What is Marxism? I taught you this last friday." Xie Lian collected all his memories "Marxism explains the struggle between the capitalists and working class" You sighed "Do you know why Marxism is important to be in the east and not just in the west?''

You looked out the window "Karl Marx hated seeing the unfairness of the social class where elite nobles get everything while the poor has none. If only the eastern nobles could see..." You groaned. Xie Lian stared at your tired face

''Do you know why i am teaching you this?'' He stayed silent, unable to answer "This knowledge is important for you in the future. You will become King, a high ranking one in the heavens. You need to know about politics and how it functions, all that stuff..'' You stood up and closed your book

"Lessons end here, let's take a stroll. Perhaps it can help you understand our future social science classes" Xie Lian didn't say a word and followed you out of the palace. Xie Lian was able to get an oil paper parasol and gave you shade under the sun.

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