Tay rubs his knees and makes a little nod. Most of his colleagues tease him about his many employee of the month awards. Though they make jokes, Tay sees them trying to challenge his position. Even the new staff make a pitiful attempt to outdo him. They eventually give up. "Yes sir."

"That's commendable. I've been meaning to meet with you for some time now."

Tay's heart is in his throat. It is finally happening. He will be offered the position of general manager. With his new status, he would be taking on a bigger leadership role. He is teeming with ideas that could potentially make T&J a world-class auto company, competing against the likes of BMW, Ford, and Toyota. His vision will not only be beneficial to T&J but will also provide more benefits to workers of every standing in the company.

"Better late than never." Tay makes a sound he intends as a confident laugh. It probably translated as a nervous whimper.

"From what I've seen, you are one of the best employees we have here." Tay holds back from saying he is in fact the best. "You are inexorable when the need arises, have never failed a task, and are not easily distracted." Khun Mongkut looks up from the file to regard him.

That's an extreme way to describe his firmness. He swallows.  "That is all true, Sir."

"Then you are the right man for this job. I need someone with an iron fist. Someone who won't be swayed by petty tricks and can't be easily seduced."

Tay smiles. "Thank you for this opportunity. You can trust me to take on any challenges. I am not easily tempted by money so best believe I won't be dipping my fingers where they shouldn't be."

Khun Mongkut smiles too. It makes his mouth wide and doubles the crinkles around his eyes. "I admire the enthusiasm. My son will be arriving at noon on Friday. He will be in Thailand for five months to learn the ins and outs of the company before he flies back to Scotland to take over our business there. I would leave him to his own devices but we are at a crucial moment in his life. The future of my company unfortunately rests in his hands. I cannot have him lazing about. "

Tay blinks. "What?"

"You will be chaperoning my son." He says it with the decisiveness of a man used to getting things done his way. "You will guide him through all he needs to know. I will supply you with resources and information you aren't yet privy to. Orient him, teach him some discipline—,"


"—teach him how to run a company. That is your task, Tawan."

Tay is confused and a little miffed. He is a businessman and a master strategist, not a nanny! Several junior staffers would die for a chance to have a playdate with the boss' son. "I—uh," Tay clears his throat. "Why Thailand? If he will take over in Scotland, shouldn't he be training in Scotland?"

"Thailand is home to T&J corporations. He has been to Vancouver for training, where he caused too much trouble." Khun Mongkut suddenly looks older talking about his son. "It's time for him to learn the ways of his people. I may be gone in a few years—or even tonight. When I'm no more, Thailand will be his too. He needs to be prepared for anything."

"Okay." But how does that concern me? He wants to ask. How can he turn Khun Mongkut down without seeming rude or bruising his chances of ever getting that promotion? "I appreciate the offer, sir. I'm honored you thought of me for this—prestigious undertaking but...,"

"When you're done." Mongkut interrupts. "When he returns to Scotland, we will revisit the topic of your promotion."

Oh. Well now that changes things. With an incentive of getting the most coveted promotion, cleaning up the boss' son's mess does not seem so terrible. "As I was saying, I'm honored to have been chosen for this task. I will do my best."

Khun Mongkut closes the file. "I do not doubt that you will."


Now, Tay scans the new faces walking into the arrival hall. He has only seen the Techaapaikhun heir in the brochures passed around at each end-of-the-year company party. He must have been in his teens when the photo was taken but Tay has been reassured by Alice during an extended briefing of his task that the man looks the same. He hopes so. It would suck if he missed Thitipoom just because he didn't know what he looked like. He has barely had the thought when a man, almost as pale as the lights blinking above them, walks out. The man pauses and starts scanning the area. Tay realizes he has stopped breathing, only sucking in a lungful of air when Thitipoom's wandering gaze falls on him and his card.

He holds the card higher. Thitipoom resumes his walk toward him. His strides are majestic. He isn't taking much space but it looks as if he is the only one on the aisle. Slowly, he stops right before Tay. Thitipoom stares at the card that Tay, for some reason, is still holding up high and then at his face. Tay is only slightly taller than him but he feels more elevated standing this close to Thitipoom. As Alice promised, the man looks just as he did in the brochures. The photo however ill-prepared Tay for the life-sized version. Dark hair, milky skin, full chapped lips, and deep brown eyes. These features are ordinary. Thousands of people are equipped with them. Tay could turn around and find three people with the same composition. However, on Thitipoom they seem extraordinary.

Tay is holding his breath again, afraid to breathe too hard into the man's face. His heart, for some reason, is beating a little too fast. It seems he is more nervous about this assignment than he thought. He wants to excel at this. He cannot fuck it up and ruin his chances. "Thitipoom." He can barely recognize his own voice. "I'm here for you."

Thitipoom smiles. He reaches up and plucks the card out of Tay's hand. "Call me New. You're the poor guy my dad assigned to play buddy with me, aren't you?"

That's not exactly how it is. He isn't playing buddy. This is a serious business that could influence the future of T&J corporations. Tay shugs. "I guess I am."

"What should I call you?"

"Tay—no, Tawan." He is more composed than this. He does not stumble over his words and his thoughts. This is new and annoying. "Call me Tawan."

"Tay it is." New turns the card in his hand. He mouths his own name as if he is just learning it. "Your handwriting does no justice to your face, Tay." He pushes the card to Tay's chest. "You said you were here for me. Well," he holds out his arms. "You can have me."

Tawan Vihokratana is known for his professionalism. He works hard and leaves no room for distractions. However, nobody warned him about New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun.

A/N: it feels so good to be back. You know the drill. Feedback or grandma is not leaving that cage 🤭🤭🤭 Next chapter will be up next week. The length depends on how free I am 😔

MORE THAN I ASKED FOR Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora