Then, Harry turns around and heads out of the boys bathroom. I give him the space to walk past me with shocked look on my face. "Har..- Harry..." I let under my breath and watch as he goes. The boy won't stop and just he rushes out. There is this twist in my heart and I take a step to go after him. I need to..- "(Y/N)." Severus's smooth, yet dangerously cold voice calls behind me as in ordering me not to go after the student. My breath shudders and legs stops themselves. It's like cold breeze just past me. To be quite honest, the way he just called my name... It actually made me a bit scared. Worried look on my face, I turn around to see him. Severus is already kneeled down and hold his wand on Draco's chest. What is he doing?

Then, Severus started to mutter under his breath a spell. Almost sounding like he was muttering a song of somekind. At first I didn't hear what he was saying, but I saw how the blood started to go back into Draco. Wait... Finally, I hear what he's been saying:"Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur...". Looks like Draco's wounds slowly started to heal as his flesh knitted together. Letting out a sharp breath I watch all of this happening. Not even realizing it, there are some tears on my eyes. Feels like at the same time, my head is empty, but at the same time full of everything. All of the questions, wonders, hopes, wishes, curses, worries, sadness... Everything. "...Is he going to be alright?" is the only thing I could let out of my mouth with timid voice. The Potions Master lift his gaze up to take a look at me. They are still cold and calculating:"Yes.". The feeling of relief settles in and I take a quiet, deep breath to calm down the nerves.

Soon enough, Minerva and Dumbledore rushed in, and Draco was taken to the Hospital Wing. Being shaken by all that happened, Severus took me to his classroom and made cup of tea for us. "Do you wish me to get your niffler here?" Severus ask as he hands me the cup. My head started to shake on its own and I whisper while keeping the gaze down:"No.". Then, I compose myself and take a sip of the tea. He goes sit down:"I added two drops of a potion that calms down the nerves. Should affect in a minute.". I nod as acknowledgment. While slowly drinking the tea, I notice corner of my eye there is a potion bottle on the desk that is meant for curing bruises. Severus sees this and is quick to snatch the bottle and throw it inside one of his drawers.

Before I can ask about it, he starts with calm manner:"I heard from our Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor you got in trouble in Diagon Alley earlier today. Care to explain..?". My heart skips a beat and eyes widens for split second out of surprise. He told him?! Not knowing what to say here:"...I, uh...". Severus isn't pleased:"Haven't I told you before to stay out of trouble?". Slight panic hits:"I..- it wasn't my fault! I didn't do anything wrong. I just... Happened to be in the wrong place in the wrong time. That's all.". He raise an eyebrow:"Really? You always seem... To get into the wrong places in the wrong times, (Y/N).". I shrug and try to light up the mood:"What can I say? Guess I'm cursed then.". "Perhaps..." he mutters under his breath and takes a sip of his tea.

Once again, it looks like his thoughts went elsewhere. It makes me think how he called my name back in the boys bathroom. How it made me feel... Scared? Out of place? Small? Then again, it was really intense moment, so I get why he might have sound too harsh towards me. Maybe I am being too sensitive here... I wanted to come clean with him and ended up telling him everything that has happened to me and my friends in these past months. Everything that was said and happened in that Christmas Eve at the Burrow. How I agreed to help if they ever need help with You-Know-Who. How Death Eaters attacked Weasleys home and how we fought against them. How I saw Lucius, and how Harry now thinks Draco might be one of them.

All this time, Severus stays quiet and just listens. The look on his face is unreadable. Hard to tell if he's mad or worried, or even slightly impressed. "I want you to promise me something, (Y/N)." Severus all of sudden starts. Both of my eyebrows raise and I lift my gaze back up to him:"Hm? What is it?". He already had his eyes on me, looking so serious:"Promise me, whatever happens... If you ever happen to run into trouble again... Instead of staying and fighting, you'll run.". "What?" I let out confused by the request. "And after learning the Apparate spell, you'll use that to escape whenever necessary." he added. At first, I frown confused at him. Then raise nervous smile on my face:"Sev... Didn't you just hear what I said? I promised to be there to help. I can fight. You should have seen me when..-", "DON'T be stubborn about this." he snapped back. It actually made me flinch a bit in my seat. He's really taking this way too heavily. Severus sees the stunned look on my face and drops down his shoulders and head to calm himself down. For a moment I stare at the man in front of me, wondering what's going thru his mind right now.

He then sighs and keeps his head down:"Forgive me, (Y/N)... I just... Can't bare the thought that anything bad could happen to you.". My heart pounded once strongly after hearing that. He sounded so... Broken. Tilting my head a bit and hold onto his left arm to caress it in soothing way:"Oh, Sev... You got nothing to worry about. Okay?". Severus stares down my hand as my thumb gently strokes over the arm that is resting on the desk. He looks so pensive. "Look at me." I tell him in soft tone. Severus raise his black eyes to look into my (e/c) eyes. Giving him the reassuring eyes:"Nothing bad is going to happen to me. Specially when I got you by my side.". With that, I trace my hand down his arm to hold his hand, making us interlock our fingers. My heart beats calm while looking deep into his beautiful, yet sad eyes. We keep our hands like that for a moment. Both of us gently caressing each others hands with our thumbs. Then, I take soft exhale thru my nose and lift my eyes up to his before opening my mouth:"Severus... I lo..-", Severus quickly cuts me off by pulling me into a deep kiss while having his free hand behind my head. I know he made a vow never to read my mind again, but... Now it's the time I'd wish he would read it. I love you.

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