Chapter 2

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The two sisters walk down the street hand in hand like the day before and like any day that is yet to come. Or so they think.

Emma smiles down at Takemichi before speaking "know my little Ray of sunshine" Takemichi looks up at her with the cutest smile "who's excited to show off her new outfit?" "Me, Me" Takemichi jumps up and down on the spot as others stare and smile.

Emma laughs at the ball of sunshine "make sure not to get the dress dirty, we might take you out for a treat after school if you do well" Takemichi smiles and nods as she takes her sisters hand before leading her down the street once again "I promise sissy" the small phrase escapes her lips.

The walk was like the day before, hang in hand, smiles and laughter, giggles and teasing, same roads and paths, people waving from shop windows. It was the normal. Since Takemichi was able to walk and talk that was it, everyone fell to their knees at her cuteness, the shop keepers on their way to school would always make time to wave and say hello no matter what.

Today was no exception.

She waves hello as she takes small treats and sweets from the happy shop keepers before coming to the final corner close to school. "You really do make peoples day brighter huh?" Emma sings as Takemichi stuffs everything into her sisters bag "I don't know what you mean sissy" she giggles as she holds her plushie cat tight. Emma laughs before wiggling her fingers at her sister "don't give me that you little weirdo, come here" and with that Emma chases yer sister the rest of the way to school.

By the time they got to the front door of the bright looking school, Emma was already out of breath but Takemichi on the other hand was nearly bouncing off the walls with so much energy. Emma doubles over trying to catch her breath "j-Jesus, I'm not as fast as I used to be" Takemichi laughs as she rummages through her sisters bag to pull out the water bottle their brothers snuck inside.

Bottle tight in hand she stretches it out for her sister with a smile "don't think like that sissy, your always fast to me" Emma smiles as she takes the bottle from the smaller hand before drinking. "But sadly I'm faster" Emma spits her water out barely missing her sister "why you-" "oh Hina, Takemichi, is that you?" A soft voice cuts through Emma's oncoming insult, this makes both girls look over to see a tall tan women with beautiful curly black hair and beautiful leaf green eyes standing in the doorway.

Both girls eyes light up "Miss Aizawa" Takemichi sings as she skips over to the tall women, Miss Aizawa bends down before speaking once again "well what do we have here, a walking sakura pettle" Takemichi laughs "well I guess making it last since Autumn is right round the corner" she stands as Takemichi hums a reply. Emma walks over before kissing Takemichi on the head and watching her disappear into the building ".....Miss Aizawa" the women hums.

Emma sighs, this catching the teacher's attention "I know you do it all day everyday she comes here but....please take care of my sister" "why of course dear, you know me but you also know your sister" Emma slightly smiles "'s just I know she's having trouble with a couple kids here and she doesn't need that, especially after what she's been through" Miss Aizawa stands and listens as Emma talks "our parents dying, nearly losing our brother despite her only being a baby at the time, we also can't forget all the fights between Mikey and Izana but we can't forget our grandpa isn't exactly the  healthiest right know-".

Miss Aizawa places a hand on the small blondes shoulder "I am well aware child, you worry for her but you also need to have faith in her. Despite all that she's a happy and healthy 6 year old child" she smiles before bowing "thanks Miss Aizawa, sorry but I must be off, can't be late again" and with that Emma runs off to her school, leaving her little sister and Miss Aizawa alone and totally unprepared for what's to come.

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