Chapter 1 - Breakout

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WARNING: This got a little more graphic than I originally intended so if you have any triggers regarding physical abuse or depression, the rest of the story probably won't be as dark
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A loud thud rang out as Ado's body hit the floor, coughing up blood. His father looked down at him, a disgusted look on his face. "How pathetic... is this really all it takes?" His deep voice reverberated through out the room. The room fell silent, heavy with tension as Ado struggled to rise. His father's disappointment lingered, a palpable force in the air. The two were near identical when it came to their faces but everything else couldn't be more different.

Where as Ado's hair was brown and messy, just reaching the base of his neck, filled with streaks of orange and gold his father's was sleek and straight, darker than the night in which he roamed and tied back into a long ponytail.

"Are you even trying to win?" His father asked as he once again batted the boy away after another failed attack.

Ado struggled to his feet, determination in his eyes. "I won't give up," he replied, his voice unwavering despite the pain. He had to keep going, he had to keep fighting, if he won maybe he could escape.

His father's eyes stared at him, unwavering, "You'd do well to learn you're place."

The statement sent shivers up Ado's spine, his father knew exactly what he was thinking. Ado clenched his fists, defiance burning within him. "I won't be controlled," he muttered, shutting his eyes, a quiet declaration against his father's oppressive gaze.

He soon realised his mistake and quickly opened his eyes once again, only to find himself staring directly into his father's eyes "please do-" he started, interrupted by his father's fist.

The impact sent Ado sprawling again, bruised and battered Ado stared up at his father.

"GET UP" His father barked, dropping the elegant voice he had been putting on, now sounding like a snarling beast. "I don't know why I bother with you, you ungrateful brat!" The man grabbed the teen by the hair and yanked him up, forcing the boy to look at his face. "You should be thankful that I've let you live this long!"

The teen fought against the panic rising in him, a twisted grin breaking out across his face. "Then maybe you should just kill me"

His words hung heavily in the air, challenging the oppressive atmosphere. The twisted grin conveyed a mix of defiance and desperation, a bold stance against the torment he endured.

Laughter filled the room as Ado was released, "You really do have my stubbornness!~"

Ado took a shaky breath of relief, staring at the floor, his father's feet in front of him. He flinched as he saw one of his father's feet swing back, bracing for impact... only to hear a quiet beeping fill the room. "shit.." his father muttered.

The teen glanced up at his father to see him looking at his watch, a scowl on his face. "We need to go. Now"

Ado scrambled to his feet, not wanting to anger his father any further. He heard a click and turned towards the door, seeing a bunch of men in police uniforms enter the room. The sudden turn of events left Ado stunned, a mix of confusion and hope flickering in his eyes as the police officers entered. The shift in power hinted at a chance for escape from the cycle of abuse and control. Their must have been some heroes with them if they got this far.

He cast a wary glance at his father, seeing  the familiar look of thinly veiled rage on his face. "Come now gentlemen, there's no need for all this."

"Shi Teiden, you are under arrest, we advise for you to come along quietly." A man with yellow goggles and long black hair stated, stepping forward, it was clear that he was a hero.

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