Jia Moon Gilbert

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Introducing Jia Moon Gilbert:

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Introducing Jia Moon Gilbert:

Birth Name : Moon Jia
Current name : Jia moon Gilbert
Nicknames : Luna ( Heli ) star ( Jeremy ) moony ( Jino) twin ( Jaan ) favourite gilbert ( Klaus )  claws ( kol ) wifey ( Rebekah ) JiJi ( Noa and Shion ) Mother ( Jakah )
Parents : Miranda and Grayson Gilbert ( adopted ) - unknown ( birth parents)
Age : 18 ( stopped aging )
Siblings :  younger sister – Elena Gilbert ( petrova ) -  younger brother – Jeremy Gilbert
Nationality - British Korean, moved to korea at 3 to an orphanage before moving to Mystic falls at 10 but still kept her accent - takes online classes.

Mbti : Infp - introverted scale 80%
Species : vampire - changed through pills given in an old orphanage- doesn't remember where or what happened. - stopped growing at 18
Power: knower- has the ability to predict or know anything no matter what, this helps her get out of tricky situations but doesn't work on information that has been taken from her mind, given by the pill she used to take.
Soulmate : Heli, used to know each other in the orphanage together before she was sent away and where there memories where taken as well as helix's brothers memories,


Jia was born in London England to a young couple who soon ended up moving back home to Seoul South Korea, Her parents where a working class family that moved from job to job unable to keep a steady job life that continued to get themselves into sticky situations and one day it cost them their lives as their house was stormed by a group of young people who collected depts. Soon Jia was found an taken to an orphanage where she met Heli her first true friend , Solon who she grew a love hate relationship but would always be their for each other, Jaan her self proclaimed twin the platonic soulmates who would die for each other, Jakah who became like a son to her , Shion her little sunshine , Jino her flame and best friend through it all and Noa her little brother. Her and Heli where the first two children who where found by the matron and taken in, they had a really good bond with her, soon the others joined until the last little brother Noa joined, matron did her best to protect them but soon Jia life would be turned upside down, she would be targeted by groups of vampires which lead to her being sent away for her protection with no information of where she came from,

After being sent to Mystic Falls she finds herself in the arms of Miranda Gilbert who builds a bond with the little girl taking her in, soon enough she found her family one she once swore to protect until her sister ruined the bond once forged in gold, she soon seeked revenge and security.

Until one day she gets transported into a theatre room with familiar faces and some new faces.

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