September 8, 1979

Start from the beginning

Ten takes his attention off of the Magic 8 Ball and onto Martin. "How are you feeling today?" He asks Ten.


"Are you up for some more lessons?" Martin smiles, hoping that Ten will say yes.

Ten does say yes, but not verbally. He shakes the Magic 8 Ball, signaling the floating triangle inside will give the answer. However, Ten uses his powers to control the triangle inside. 

"Signs point to yes." Martin reads off of the floating triangle. 

Martin and Ten hold hands as they leave the Rainbow Room and walk down the hallway.

"Afternoon, Dr. Brenner." Dr. Ellis. Says to him as she and another woman pass by.

"Dr. Ellis." Martin acknowledges.

Martin and Ten continue to walk down the hallway, turning left at the end, and make their way into Ten's room.

After Martin puts the EEG attachment on 010's head, he instructs him to close his eyes. Martin takes a seat across the table, crossing his legs, one over the other. He picks up his clipboard, that has a blank sheet of paper on it, followed by a yellow crayon, that he placed there previously. He draws a sun on the paper.

"Okay." He says to Ten, whose eyes are still closed. "What do you see?"

"Don't force it." Martin says after glancing at the peak on the scanner. "Let it come to you. Just like we practiced."

"It's..." Ten begins to say. "...a yellow circle. The sun." 

Martin smiles a tight lipped smile at Ten. "Very good." He says as he takes notes. "Very good."

"All right." Martin says picking a brown crayon out of the box. "Let's see." He says as he begins to draw a poor excuse of a dog. "Okay." He says, once finished and places the crayon back down on the table. "Now what do you see?"

Ten takes a moment before answering. "A... cow?" He asks, confused.

Martin furrows his eyebrows, also confused, and looks down at his paper. Surely his drawing wasn't that bad. "It's supposed to be a dog." He says looking back up at Ten.

"It looks like a cow." Ten chuckles.

Martin chuckles with Ten. "It does, doesn't it?" He says glancing down at the poorly drawn picture. "I never was much of an artist." Martin says shaking his head as he places the clipboard down on the table.

"All right. Let's try something a little bit more challenging." Martin tells Ten as he makes note of the time. "Is that alright with you?"

Ten nods his head, yes.

"I want you to find Dr. Ellis." As he takes notes of the brainwaves on the EEG machine. "Can you do that?"

Ten nods his head again.

The sound of the EEG machine scribbling down Ten's brainwaves fills the room as he begins to find Dr. Ellis.

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