*chapter 29 - Apology

Start from the beginning

Jia-li's face sours more. Yuzu deliberately repeated the word whore in his apology. She sheets in rising anger. "Consort Yu ...

"Enough ...all go back to your own work."

Jia-Li frowns as Empress dowager interrupts her words. She looks back with a glare.

But soon all the generals , maids and guards leave the room.

"Then if mother is satisfied, Consort Yuzu can take his leave." Yuzu asks empress dowager directly , completely ignoring Jia-li.

Empress dowager nods. "Teach your maid some manners. Remind her that you have to suffer for her mistakes even without your fault."

Yuzu nods and walks towards crying Meimei. She is silently crying at the corner for so long. Yuzu smiles and slowly pats on her head "It's ok. Let's go.."

Meimei sniffs "I am sorry. Master."

Yuzu smiles again. This kid is too loyal for her own good. "Umm...."

Zixuan looks at Yuzu leaving with a stern face before turning at his mother "Then I will at court, mother."

Empress dowager was about to reply when Jia-Li opens her mouth. "When will be our marriage tomorrow?"

Zixuan looks at Jia-Li with a frown.

Jia-Li looks away acting shy "If I become his highness's consort then we need to get married. I am just asking in advance because... it's hard to be ready .. with a baby in my womb."

Zixuan frowns harder "You don't need to worry about that since Consort Yuzu apologised."

Jia-li frowns this time. "Wh..huh ?"

"I said your position will be swapped if consort Yuzu didn't apologise. But he did just now. Two times , because you didn't like it first time. And as Consort yuzu has faced his punishment, your should do it too. Your position is still freezed."

Zixuan states firmly before leaving the room.

Jia-Li widens her eyes in shock. She looks at empress dowager for help. But empress dowager only sighs.

She knew it that Jia-Li is a fool but this much ? How can she even ask about marriage after all of this ?

Though nobody else noticed, She noticed it very clearly Zixuan completely defended Yuzu. He asked him to apologise because he knew it very well, if it goes to court .. Yuzu would be sent to prison.

Even when Yuzu was ready to go to prison, Zixaun said Yuzu wouldn't get options? Yuzu had to apologise?

Does Zixuan think she is fool ? He thinks She wouldn't see the hidden intention?

Even when Yuzu firmly stated he wouldn't apologize Zixuan decided to threat him by changing his position ? And when it didn't work, he came down to blackmail Yuzu to apologise? Taking away his maid ? Her son knew it very well, Yuzu wouldn't let Meimei go. That maid is like a daughter to him.

Empress dowager face goes dark. All of this just to save consort Yuzu from prison. 'sorry my maid called you whore' was it even a apology ? It was not. But she noticed how Zixuan's face changed with every word that came from Yuzu's mouth.

For a second, even she got scared that if Jia-li asked for another apology, Zixuan would abandon her. She had to shout enough.

No, water is going over the head. She needs to stop it. For it , she needs Prince Yaad. Someone who is higher in rank than Yuzu.

But for now, she needs to stop Zixuan from visiting Yuzu and let Yuzu think Zixuan is back in love with Jia-Li.

"Empress mother ... why are you not talking with me ? I have been calling you for so long ..."

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