I nodded, "Yes, he has a daughter," I started, "I met her last night, she's sitting alone on one of the tables of Café Lucerne. I kept her accompany while she was waiting for her father and I could say that she's a wonderful kid, Navia, I'm sure you'll like her too." I said with a smile on my face.

Navia look at me with a hint of worry in her eyes, "Are you okay, Neuvy?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Then, are you going?" She asked again.

Well... Should I?

"I'm not actually sure,"


Third Person's

"Daddy look at this!"

"Did you draw that?"

"Yes! Look, this is you, then this is Sigewinne!"

Sigewinne has a wide smile plastered on her face while pointing at everything she draw, making her father smile too.

"You're drawing is beautiful, baby." Wriothesley complimented earning small giggles from Sigewinne.

"Sigewinne has another drawing, daddy! Do you want to see it?"  She asked.

"Hmm, sure! Where is it? Let me see." He asked.

Sigewinne immediately go to her corner to get her other drawing. Once she got it, she quickly go to where her father is to show it to him,

"Sigewinne also drew Mr. Neuvillette!" Sigewinne proudly said, while Wriothesley's smile fades.

He gaze down at her daughter's drawing, appreciating it even though it is a bit unclear and messy.


'It's been 8 years since I last saw him, yet he's still the same Neuvillette I once know.

The Neuvillette who loves kids

The Neuvillette who has a kind heart...

The Neuvillette I once loved...

The Neuvillette who once became my world...

He didn't change —well, maybe he became more beautiful, but I know he's still the same Neuvillette.'


Wriothesley snapped out when his daughter called him.

"Yes, baby?"  Sigewinne put down her drawings on her father's table as she sat on his lap.

"Are you okay, daddy?" She asked.
Wriothesley give her a smile,

"Yes baby, I'm fine. Shall we go now? It's almost lunch time." Sigewinne suddenly jump off of Wriothesley's lap and excitedly clap her hands.

"Do you know where his workplace, Daddy? Can we go fetch Mr. Neuvillette? Sigewinne want to see where he works!"  Sigewinne happily said.

"I do know, but I'm not sure if we're allowed to enter there." Wriothesley said making his daughter pouts.

"But, Mr. Neuvillette is nice to Sigewinne, so he will let Sigewinne go to his workplace right, daddy?"  Sigewinne said as she hold her father's arms and she started to pull him up, "Come on daddy, let's go to Mr. Neuvillette! Sigewinne is excited to see him!"

Despite of unsureness with his feelings, Wriothesley chuckles and get up, "Fine, fine, but please behave okay, and don't cause any trouble." He reminded.



"Neuvy~ It's already 11:30, haven't you still made up your mind yet?"  Navia asked as she sipped her tea that Neuvillette's secretary gave her a while ago.

"I'm still busy, stop bothering me about that matter."  Neuvillette said making Navia laugh.

"You're too funny, Neuvy, I never thought that seeing your ex after so many years will make you looks like a high schooler gurl. And besides, aren't you excited to see his kid again?"  She said.

Neuvillette sighed, "As the matter of fact, I miss little Sigewinne, even though I only know her just last night." He started  "Yet, I'm hesitating upon seeing Wriothesley. I don't think I'm in the right mind to face him again."  He added.

"So it is a no?" Navia asked.

Neuvillette sigh again before answering, "It's a n-"

Yet, before he could even finish his words, a knock on his office's door echoed at the four corners of the room. Making both him and Navia turn their attention to the door.

"Please, come in!"  Neuvillette said. Without any second, the door opened revealing his secretary,

"My apologies for my sudden disturbance, Monsieur Neuvillette," his secretary said. "But there is a man with a kid outside asking for you. Should I tell them to leave?" His secretary added.

Neuvillette turns his gaze to Navia, who is now looking at him too. They both look at each other with surprise expressions written on their faces, as if they know they are thinking the same thing.

"It looks like the universe is helping you to decide, Neuvy."  Navia said with a sheepish tone.

"But what if it's not them?" He asked.

"Don't be stupid! We both know it's them!" Navia said, "Now go! And have fun!"  She added,

Neuvillette look at Navia first, and as he see the persistence in Navia's eyes, he sigh deeply and turn his gaze to his secretary who was waiting for his order.

"Tell them to wait for me, I'll be outside in a minute."  He answered earning a nod from his secretary.

"Yes, Monsieur Neuvillette."



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