✶ 9: Friend? ✶

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It was nighttime when Y/N got done with work.

She walked to the spot where she met Sanemi the first time and he wasn't there.

" Ugh! Sanemi doesn't listen." She sighed.

She sighed, dropping her fake smile. She didn't feel like smiling after seeing her producer.

She started walking in a random direction only to see a man with pink hair.

She gasped " Mr. Stripes!"

" Hell no..." He groaned as she engulfed him in a hug.

" Were you stalking me?" She asked him.

" Fuck no! Why in hell would I follow you anywhere?!"

" Because your my friend." She said with a smile.

" No I'm not!"

" You are too!" She smiled again and hugged him tighter.

" Guess what? My face! It's better now!"

"....Is that so?" He asked, the memory of striking her face replaying in his mind.

" Mhm!" I

They both sat down on a bench.

" What happened to your friends?" She asked him.

" My friends?"

" Y'know, the tall ones. One of them had rainbow eyes! The other one had six!" She explained.

" Gross! They aren't my friends." He said.

" Just irritating bastards..." He grumbled.

" Awww... don't say that! I think they're nice." Y/N smiled.

Akaza gave her a side glance before turning his attention to the sky.

" You shouldn't be out this late." He said.

" Geez, what's with you people being so paranoid about night time?" She asked him.

" There are demons." He replied.

" No there aren't!" She said, earning a look from him.

" Do you not think I'm a demon?" He asked.

" Nope!"

He stared at her in disbelief.

" Demons are people who hate others. People who are jerks just for the fun of it. People who manipulate to get their way. I know someone like that... I know a demon." She said.

He looked at her and then at the sky again.

" Though, I do believe that there are broken demons." Y/N sighed.

" Broken demons?" Akaza repeated.

" Mm. Demons who are forced to hurt. Who have to hurt because they have no choice. It's sad... so sad..."

" Where do you live?" Akaza asked suddenly.

" Huh? Why're you asking? Do you want me to adopt you!?" She asked excitedly.

" No! Just tell me where." He said.

" I live at the apartment that's closest to the coffee shop." She said.

" Alright..." He sighed.

" Now, why are you asking me where I liv-

Akaza suddenly chopped her neck, making her pass out.

" That's why." He said.

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