V: As I Lay Dying

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Suddenly Katherine grabbed him by his collar and vamp sped him up against the wall. She placed her finger to her lips and she shushed him. 

Briana stood her place unsure of what to do next as she heard the door open behind her. She turned to face Klaus as he walked in with Elijah. 

"Now what do I owe this pleasant surprise to?" Klaus asked eyeing and smirking at Briana as she rolled her eyes. She was furious with him about what he did to Jenna. She was so beyond angry and sad she couldn't think straight, but Damon's life was on the line. She had to put on her best act. 

 Katherine and Stefan stepped into view, "Look who decided to come for a visit." Katherine stated. 

"Stefan Salvatore, you just keep popping up don't you." Klaus looked at the youngest vampire. 

"I need your help-" Stefan started. 

"We. We need your help." Briana cut in stepping in front of Stefan. She was going to use whatever attraction Klaus had towards her to her full advantage. 

"It's for my brother." Stefan said calmly as he confusedly eyed Briana. 

"I am sorry love whatever it is is going to have to wait a tick." Klaus said walking towards Briana completely ignoring Stefan. 

"You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." Klaus said emphasizing the 'my.' He turned his gaze to Stefan but not without giving Briana a cheeky smirk.

"Would it help if I said please?" Briana asked laughed nervously as she watched the hybrid move around Stefan. She heard him chuckle lowly. 

"You do understand the immediate importance of family otherwise you would not be here." Elijah said moving towards Stefan. "My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own." He spoke calmly. 

"And so I shall." Klaus spoke from suddenly behind Elijah as he stuck a dagger in his heart. 

Elijah screamed out in pain as his body went gray and Klaus laid him on the floor. 

"Seriously?! Was that really necessary?!" Briana semi-shouted crossing her arms over her chest as she looked up from Elijah to Klaus. Klaus ignored the brunette as he vamped Stefan against the far wall. 

"Now. What are we going to do with you?" He spoke lowly. Stefan eyes flashed with fear. 

Before Briana could intervene, Klaus had stuck a stake into Stefan's chest causing him to groan out in pain. Briana started towards them but stopped when Katherine shot her a concerning look. 

Katherine started forward like she was going to say something then stopped. Briana rolled her eyes, Katherine truly did only care about herself. 

"The witches said you had a cure." Briana stood tall as the hybrid turned towards her, Stefan still in his grip. 

"Make me a deal. Just give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want." Stefan pleaded practically gasping for air. 

Klaus pulled the stake out of Stefan as he fell to the ground groaning. He walked towards Briana. 

"And what about you? You could be free of this mess. Yet here you stand, quite strong might I add, risking your life for a vampire." Klaus said brushing a strand of hair behind Briana's ear. 

She stepped back pushing his arm away from her, "You heard him. Give us the cure and we do whatever you want." 

He looked at her with a curious look in his eye. This girl was willing to put her life on the line to save her friend. She knew compared to everyone in the room she was powerless, but she didn't care. There she stood up against the most powerful being in the world. And she didn't flinch. Needless to say, Klaus was impressed. 

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