OS - Swarkles

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POV Robin:

I was at home.
I didn't feel well.
I put a hand on my stomach. Something was wrong there.
Before I realized what was happening, I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
Damn it.
I hate stomach flues.
Did I eat something wrong?
No, actually not.
I cleaned my face with water and went into the kitchen. Barney wasn't home yet. I prepared dinner for Him, it was for sure that I couldn't eat anything.

I heard the door opening and then closing again. "Hey", Barney said as he entered the kitchen. "Hey", I smiled as he kissed me.
"Made you some dinner."
"Ah thanks.", he grinned. "Why don't you eat anything?" "Stomach flue, not that bad.", I answered and we sat down.

In the late evening, we went down to the bar for seeing the gang.
Lily and Marshall were already there. Barney and I were about to sat down when Ted arrived. He sat down on the chair.
Barney put his arm around my shoulder and I slid closer to him.
We ordered our drinks and Lily started talking about her pregnancy. I sighed quietly. Lily and Marshall were going to have their third child. Barney and I could never have our own kids.
I closed my eyes for a short moment and took a slow breath. Forget about it, Robin.
I smiled and looked at Barney. He smiled down at me and kissed me.

Suddenly, I had a strange feeling in my stomach again.
"Sorry", I spluttered and jumped up for running on the toilet.

I hate throwing up, did I mention that already?

"You okay?", I heard Lily asking.
Great, she followed me for hearing how i was throwing up.
"Yup. Everything's fine", I answered and got out of the toilet.
"Looks like I was like when I found out when I was pregnant.", she said and was shocked as soon as she realized what she had said. "I'm so-sorry, Robin, that was - God, Robin, I-" "It's okay.", I smiled and left the bathroom, whiping away a tear.

"You should visit a doctor, Robin.", Barney whispered to me as Lily and I arrived at the table again. "Maybe", I said and we started talking again. Ted told us that he was planning to propose to Tracy, which caused a big discussion between Marshall and Barney about who made the better propsal.
"Mine was way more creative!", Barney argued the whole time, and that was the truth. His proposal had been amazing. I had to smile the whole time because I was thinking of 'the Robin'.

The next morning I had to throw up again, so Barney brought me to the doctor.
"Barney, seriously, I don't want you to miss your work just because I have a stomach flue. Please, you don't have to stay!" "But I want to.", he said. I smiled. "Barney!" "You're the best wife ever!", he grinned as he kissed me. "Call me later!", he said. "I will!", I grinned and waved him. "Hush go!"

"Stomach flue, huh?", the doctor asked. "I think so.", I answered. "Could I get some medicaments?" "You'll get some, but may I ask you something?" "Sure" "When was your last period?" "Oh, you don't need to ask that, I can't have children.", I answered quickly. "Ah okay. I'm sorry.", she said and gave me some medicaments.

"Everything's fine. Just a stomach flue.", I explained to Barney through the phone. "Glad to hear this. How are you feeling?", he asked. "Better. I think I'll be able to go to work tomorrow." "Okay. I gotta continue working. See you later!" "Yea, see you!" "I love you!" "I love you, too." I smiled as I hang up.

Later this day I went over to Lily. Marshall was at work, so she was alone either. The kids were at the day-care so we decided to make a girls noon.

We watched TV and talked about my visit at the doctor.
"She thought I was pregnant.", I said annoyed. Lily looked at me in a sad way. "Oh please Lily, you don't have to pity me, I hate that." "I'm sorry." I looked at her in an angry way. "I mean sorry for being sorry, so being sorry for pitying you.", she quickly said. "Oh okay.", I said and smiled again.
After we ate some crisps and chicken, I had to throw up again. I was really fucked up by throwing up this often.
Maybe the medicaments needed some time to take effect.

A week later, I was at the doctor again.
"So what's the matter?", she asked in her casual, friendly way.
"I'm still throwing up. And I am late. But I can't have children. Something's wrong."
She was kinda upset. "Well I gotta do some tests. That could take some time, okay?" "Okay.", I said.

And it took really long.
Actually it only took like 45 minutes, but it felt like hours.
"You found out what it is?", I asked her, as she entered the room.
"Yea. May I show you something?"
She was taking out some photos, which looked like ultrasound-photos.
I got a bit scared. What if it was something bad? A tumor? Cancer?
She put a picture on the table.
"This is your baby."

I froze.

No. I couldn't have children.

"I'm sorry, but this must be a mistake. I can't have children, I told you many times.", I spluttered.
"Mrs. Scherbatsky, I made many tests. Really, I know that you thought you couldn't have children. I thought the same. But this is your child. It's a miracle."
I took a look on the photo. It was true.
A baby.

"I don't believe in miracles.", I whispered.
"Well you should.", she smiled.
"Are you sure that these are my photos?"

I put a hand on my stomach.

"Is it a risk? The pregnancy?", I asked her quietly.
"At the moment everything's pretty good. It seems healthy."

I didn't know what to say.
About a year ago I was told that I couldn't have children. I got used to it. Barney and I got used to it. Everybody did.
And now, suddenly, I am pregnant and even the doctor calls it a miracle.

"You wanna do an ultrasound now?", she asked and I nodded.

There it was.
It was so small, but it was there.
Tears came up to my eyes.

I was pregnant.

At home, I just sat down at the couch, waiting for the time to pass.
I didn't know how to tell Barney. When I told him the last time, I wasn't pregnant and we were really happy that I hadn't been.
What if he didn't want to have a child?
I took out the ultrasound photo and looked at it again.

I put a hand on my stomach again and continued sitting there, without doing anything.

As Barney came home, I still didn't move.
"Hey!", he said.
I didn't answer.
"Robin?", he asked and walked into the living room.
"You okay?"
I got up and stared at him.
"Barney, I'm pregnant."
He froze.
"Robin, you-"
"I know that we thought I couldn't have kids. But the doctor made many tests. I saw it myself. This" I gave him the photo "is our baby. I'm pregnant. For real."

He looked at the photo for some seconds. Time went by so slow.

"That's-that's amazing! I'm gonna be a Daddy - for real!", he laughed.
"For real.", I smiled with tears in my eyes.
"I love you.", he said and kissed me, while placing one hand on my stomach.
"I love you too."

So that's it. Omg my first OS here.
Hope that somebody's gonna read this.

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