"Complaining is all a part of human nature, you complain too Wednesday, you complain about this school all the time and yet you compete in the Poe Cup, and do cello performances in front of the whole town, and you even tried for a position on the fencing team. You claim to hate Nevermore and then get involved in school spirit activities, so in that regard we're the same." I let out an exhausted exhale.

"I didn't want to do any of those things, I was coerced and you know it." Her arms are still crossed but she looks to the side unable to hold eye contact.

"But you ended up enjoying them. And anyways, what is today, complain about Enid day? Why did you all the sudden start to attack me?" I raise my voice and eyebrow.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I haven't been able to figure out this whole monster situation. Uncle Fester says it's a Hyde." Wednesday apologized! I need to mark this day in my calendar app.

"Like Jekyll and Hyde?" I ask quizzlily.

"Yes. I've looked through all of Nevermore's books and can't find anything about hydes." The frustration begins to leak out of Wednesday's voice.

"Do you want help looking?" I raise onto my tiptoes before falling aback and rocking on my heels.

"No, I'm searching with my Uncle Fester later. Cover for me? And you have that nail polish event with Yoko." Wednesday shrugs off my help. OMG I almost forgot I told Yoko I'd be there in ten minutes, I'm so late!

"Well if you decide you need my help just text. See you later!" She nods and I smile as I make my way to Yoko's.

I come back from Yoko's nails looking fresh and a smile on my face. In our room is Wednesday and her Uncle Fester talking about the hyde stuff. After giving him a wave he disappeared? I looked around a bit but say nor smelt a trace of him, so I shrugged it off and walked towards Wednesday.

"I saw Tyler today." Wednesday says, and my smile drops. Off to a great start.

"He asked me out." My heart drops.

"Oh." I don't know what else to say. I look at my shoes, blinking back tears.

"What did you say?" I rock back on my heels, dreading the inevitable.

"I told him I didn't have the time to." That's it? My head shoots up.

"Not the fact that you have a girlfriend?" I grit out.

"Girlfriend?" She has the nerve to ask. It's so hard when it's completely obvious.

"Yes, girlfriend. We kissed, I got jealous over Tyler and you said there was no need to be because we kissed, and then we slept in your bed together, so yes we're girlfriends...unless you don't want to be." My voice died towards the end sounding pitiful as I looked again at my shoes, they're cute, maybe I should polish them, I still need to clean off some mud.

"Ok, I'll be sure to tell him next time." A hint of red dusts the cheek of my girl. My girl, my girl, you will be my world.

"Cool, so wanna go on a date with me instead?" I grab her hand and lead her out to watch Legally blonde inside of the crypt her birthday party was supposed to be in.

"You're gonna love it! It's an old movie you probably don't know, but my mother showed me it years ago. It's practically a horror movie for you." My smile almost breaks my face as I see her already cringing at the amount of pink, you'd think she'd be used to it by now, I mean I am her roommate.

"Say anything." I poke her side as the credits roll. I stare at Wednesday, she's so pretty, I love this view.

"That was torture, thank you." Wednesday loved it!

"That's the highest praise you could have given." I state.

"No need to thank me, it's what a girlfriend is supposed to do, I want you to feel adored. Maybe I'll let you choose the movie next time." I tease, but we both know I would not survive Wednesday's choice and would veto it.

"Yeah, next time." Her voice comes out like a whisper.

"You're so pretty, it hurts." The space between us diminishes. I don't know who leans in first all I know is her lips are soft and I could just melt into a warm puddle of gush.

The room is flooded with light. Wednesday and I break away covering our eyes as our kiss was interrupted by the sheriff and a few other cops.

"What are y'all doing here?" I ask, Wednesday steps in front of me, shielding me.

"We heard the suspect stole a canoe so we thought he came to this Island and there were lights on in here." The sheriff explains.

"Why are you two here?"Would Wednesday be okay if I told him we were on a date? I mean he had to have seen us kiss. Would he hate us, his son has a crush on Wednesday after all.

"We were on a date." Wednesday says, no hesitation.

"Aren't you and Tyler a thing?" He asks Wednesday.

"No, Enid's my girlfriend." Wednesday says and I smile so hard it hurts. Wednesday grabs my hand and leads us away from all the cops. We head back to our dorm. Which is strangely dark and lacking Uncle Fester and Thing.

"Thing." It comes out of Wednesday's mouth like a whisper and suddenly she running forward, and that's when I see Thing, nailed to the wall with a knife, blood gushing out, I silently scream. He can't be dead right? RIGHT? Thing can't be dead, he just can't.

Wednesday grabs him off the wall and spirits out, I follow her. We wind up in the bee shed with Uncle Fester. Uncle Fester starts electrocuting Thing.

"He's gone." Uncle Fester's tone is solemn. I begin to cry

"He can't be dead! You need to try again!" Wednesday demands.

"Listen to me Thing, if you're dead I'll kill you. Try again." I can tell she's close to tears as well, so I wrap my arms around her as Thing gets electrocuted again.

"We thought you had picked you last lock buddy." I peer out from Wednesday's shoulder to see Thing once again alive.

"Tell me who did this. Those cowards. I promise that whoever did this will suffer, and it will be slow, long, and excruciatingly painful." There is so much pain in Wednesday's voice I give her a squeeze.

"I'll stitch you back up." I take out some needle and thread and let Wednesday say her goodbyes to her uncle.

"I'll watch after Thing, you go catch the hyde?" Wednesday nods and begins to head for the door, but I catch her hand and give her a quick peck.

"Stay safe okay? Out of the clutches of the claws. You can be the mastermind, but don't approach the killer. Please." I stare deeply into Wednesday's eyes, she gives a curt nod.

"Stay safe as well, there has already been one attempted murder in our room." I give a quick smile. Wednesday leaves and I look back at Thing, who gives me a judgemental look.

"What?" I ask Thing, but he does the equivalent of rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

Girl In Black | WinclairOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz