𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Start from the beginning


It had taken them at least two hours to reach the their location. As usual, Waylen and Aster had been able to get their missions done but as this one had been different, the twins were about to be open for a new can of worms. "Are you sure this is the place? it looks different than what I've seen from what Mrs. Kim sent us." Aster asked, earning a nod from the elder brother; the ginger finishing up with their preparations whereas the other had been looking over their survival guide to see what to add or know what they'd be dealing with. "Hey, don't worry too much about this, as long you don't let yourself get too carried away and focus on the mission, you'll be fine." Waylen assured himself. Shutting the van's doors with the younger twin putting their journal away, letting out a deep breath before both brothers took their first steps into the mansion.

The whole aura felt unsettling; cobwebs present throughout the walls and old timely pictures only causing some anxious, uncomfortable feelings in Aster already. "Umm... Lennie? I don't think this is good place to continue; maybe it's not too late to go back?" He considered, fiddling with the sleeves of his uniform as Waylen looked around the area. "Sorry kid, but we can't back out on this mission, you've heard how troubled Mr. Kim was; I can see why he had to leave too." The  taller of the duo mumbled, gently patting Aster's shoulder. Of course he wasn't in the mood to talk this much; they had a task to fufill, but something still didn't feel right. The chestnut haired guy wasn't sure if it had been the pictures or the whole aura of the house, but he felt like a strange presence had been following them. "You'll be fine, I promise. We shouldn't get carried away with this." Waylen added, heading upstairs.

Hesitancy had been the only thing plaguing the remaining man's thoughts, doubt and worries clouding his mind. He could still back out now; he could still possibly leave, but even if he did it was his own brother he'd be leaving behind and a family business he'd lose his honor and respect over. Trying to follow his older brother, a sudden voice had called out to him. "Aster? Is that you hon? I need you to come get me." It spoke, their voice calming and enticing; sounding so similar to what had been both his and Waylen's mother. What an impossible thought. How could his mother be speaking to him when he never got to give a single chance talking with her?

The other seemed to notice Aster panic, patting his head to knock him out of it. "Ignore it and keep going." Waylen reassured; instantly making his way upstairs to looking through each of the rooms to find clues, with the younger twin following behind and trying his best to block out whatever or whoever had been trying to gain his attention.


As the three young priests entered the room, the young girl stared at them with a harsh glare; mumbling incoherent nonsense. It had been around two weeks after Yuri's mother had contacted the trio about her being possessed by a demon, which made Beau nervous. This was the young triplet's first exorcism to fulfill and he wasn't sure if it was up to task. Thankfully, Sawyer and Dante already knew what the three would be getting into after many years of experience, as they were all sons of their own father who coincidentally was also a priest. "So, you've come to exorcise me? What an annoyance I'll be having." Yuri spoke. Her face had now gone completely pale with the scleras of her eyes completely black with purple bruises surrounding the rest of them. Very few scars were plastered around her face, and parts of her teeth looked like fangs. All three men had no response to give her, making her chuckle as Dante had carefully saged the doorway and windows before extinguishing it as the other two walking towards the young girl with caution.

"She'll suffer... She'll blaze and rot in hell until she screams no more and so will you. I WILL have this vessel until the end of her days." She spoke, tugging roughly on the restraints the girl's mother put on her; snarling at them viciously. The demon they were facing had been seemed to be a difficult one, making poor Yuri suffer on the inside while the creature had been possessing her and her body. With Sawyer and Dante holding the child's arms firmly, the girl hissed at them and tried to elbow them away. "Do what we practiced." The eldest told Beau who nodded, wasting no time to get the   holy water from his pocket; blessing himself and his brothers before sprinkling it around Yuri, letting out a shrill scream. "IT BURNS! IT FUCKING BURNS!" She seethed, flailing around and continuing to struggle through the restraints as her bed had started to shake and the room becoming colder, her stuffed dolls falling on to the floor while Beau started to recite some prayers, Sawyer getting out his crucifix and pressing it against the young girl's forehead.

Her body felt as if it was burning, bruises forming on to her arms and legs from the holy water. Growling once more; she yanked the restraints away in a firm manner, ripping them apart. "ENOUGH." She snarled, her voice now much more sinister; pushing both of the older twins away, almost making one of older twins lose his balance. With the child soon levitating and speaking incoherent words of Latin, Beau had continued with his prayers, his brothers joining him but this time reciting such prayers even louder; angering the child with her bed shaking viciously once again alongside her room. The more the boys kept going, the possessed Yuri relentlessly continued to speak her words, stopping once Dante had sprinkled the holy water on to her, causing her to yell in pain as she landed right back on to the bed; interrupting her from levitating. "You're all filthy cocksuckers... ALL OF YOU. I HOPE YOU STICK A HARD ONE UP IN THERE UNTIL YOU'RE SORE AND IN PAIN. " She cursed vehemently.

With a hiss from the girl, the eldest held out his crucifix. "SILENCE AHRIMAN! We will not have you come and cause havoc on to us in the name of the Lord and our savior Jesus Christ." Sawyer commanded, speaking the demon's name as Yuri angrily screamed and tried to scratch at both Beau and Dante. "FUTUO TE! nomo vos scire nomen meum... TU ES ET NIHIL AD TE, ET IN DOMO TUA!"

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