39 - Betrayal Cuts Deep

Start from the beginning

"I never mean to look cautious around you all—" Fred had noticed her sudden tight squeeze, "it's just all I know"

Pulling back he'd place his hands over both her shoulders, "well, we will teach you differently, we will show you how to feel comfortable and loved" that made a tear fall over her cheek, "it's the Weasley way, and you're one of us now" he pulled her back in again while she tried to refrain from sobbing, "can't back out now little A, you're forever stuck with homemade goods, family get together and game night, matching Christmas jumpers and worst of all— you're entire litter will be redheads" he'd said the final part with a fake gasp.

Autumn couldn't help but laugh, "entire litter?"

"Yes, if you want children of course, though George does also love cats— ginger cats" that made them both roll their eyes but in line with this Autumn would revel in the thought"I know George wants a family like ours" she smiled at the thought.

"A big family full of love for one another?"

"See, you're already learning!" She smiled while she cried, Fred grabbing a tissue for her to dab away her tears, "please, don't tell Georgie I made you cry, good or bad he will kill me"

"It's our secret"

"I like you already Autumn Weasley—" the pair were cut off by the opening of the locked front door. Fred would step in front of Autumn keeping to his earlier promise.

Autumn had teared open her pouch and gripped the handle of the cake knife.

"Wait—" Fred would step forward as the figure who somehow had a key made their way to them, "is that, your mum?"

"He's coming Autumn" her mother would make haste to grip her daughters had, "George you must—"

"I'm uh— Fred"

"The twin, of course" her mother would shake her head a few times, "your father, he knows and he is on his way, he will be here within minutes" Autumns eyes widened at that thought.


"No, we will protect him" her mother nodded pulling a liquid bottle from her coat, "I never got to protect my love and so I must do whatever it takes to protect yours" Fred tried not to look more confused than necessary, "Polyjuice" she'd confirm, "I need a strand of your hair—"

"Mother—" she tried to come to terms with the rambles, "you want to become me?"

"We need to distract him, he won't even question it my love you must trust me" she nodded tugging a strand of Autumns hair, "you boy, you must go down and act as though everything is normal— no one can give me away do you understand?"


"Fred, keep George safe, he cannot protect me when I am not myself" Autumn would grip his hand, "please, you're my family now, I need you to do this for me" she hadn't noticed the twinge of pain cover her mothers face at that. Fred would nod and take himself off and down the stairs.

"I need your dress—"

George held her hand tighter than he'd ever held anything.

"How did you know—" Autumn would hold her mothers wand out pointing at her father once again, "how did you find us?"

He'd let out a crooked smile despite the pain he was in. His lack of an answer only concerned the girl more. Had someone told him. She'd take a quick look around everyone around her, no one made eye contact except Draco.

She'd shake her head.

No, it couldn't be Draco. He couldn't do this to her, he was her best friend. She found his eyes again though this time it felt like they'd spoken to her. Begging her to trust him. She'd nod and he would return it. It couldn't be Draco. It couldn't be anyone here, her father was a liar through and through and he was trying to get into her head. God dammit it was working.

Her mother continued to cough and splutter, Remus leaning down in some attempt to help her. Autumn tried to look between the two of them and her father. She'd look to George. He wouldn't betray her, she trusted him more than anything and so she would hand him the wand she held. He took it without questions and watched her father while Autumn kneeled down to her mother.

"Is she—" Remus would shake his head before she'd even gotten the question in its entirety out.

Is she okay?

God she'd been so careless, heartless even towards her and now she'd practically killed herself to protect her. Her mother would turn to face her and despite George's yelling the curse at her father once again to keep him down, all Autumn could focus on was her mum.

"Mum—" a tear again rolled down her cheek.

"My baby, I'm okay" she'd smile wide and pull out a locket from under the dress. Sirius's locket. "He will be waiting for me as I have been waiting for him"

"I'm sorry" Autumns tears fell faster than her mothers life drained, "I—"

Her mum grabbed her daughters hand and shook her head, "no, it is me who should be apologising" Remus had to look away for a brief moment to compose himself, "for everything, for leaving you, for being too scared to follow Sirius, for trying to push you away from the boy who has your own heart all because I couldn't save the man who had mine" the entire monologue was riddled with breathlessness and coughs, "but mostly, I am sorry that I had only just made an attempt to protect you now—" this cough came was with blood.

Autumn shook her head while her father laughed despite clutching his stomach.

"Good riddance—" that alone had Autumn rise to her feet at some speed and grab her wand pointing it to her father with the intent on using the killing curse. Her arm shook as she sobbed violently.

"Ava—" she'd stop with sniffling.

"You can't do it" her father would splutter, "you're no killer, you never had the strength to be, always the weak link" her teeth would grind together as he spoke, "not even for your loved ones" he'd now laugh, "though I know someone who'd kill for their love"

Autumns brows would crease at that before she heard a whispered "Expelliarmus" tugging her mothers wand from her grasp.

Turning her head to follow the wand her eyes fell upon the traitor.

Her tears stopped falling and only welled in her eyes, "your little friend here told me exactly where to find you" her father spoke, getting to his feet once again, "let me in on every plan and every guest in attendance— despite the one surprise guest" he'd looked at her mother who was now struggling to even keep her eyes open and at that he held out his hand being thrown her friends wand.

"Why?—" Autumns question wouldn't be answered.

She'd been cut off by the thunderous yell of her father, "Avada Kedavra" she'd look to her mother who'd been hit with the curse and run to her, dropping to her knees.

Her mother was dead.

Her friend had betrayed her.

Their wedding was ruined.


Who is the traitor?? Any guesses?

Another hint for Draco's book - the book will include some pretty dark themes and Draco may find himself in some trouble with the dark arts. Can his love interest save him?
I'm feeling like I should reveal some tropes in the coming ending chapters of this book....
This book will include some of my FAVOURITE tropes sooooo I'm super excited.

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