Chapter Twenty ✩ More

Start from the beginning

Kanae tensed up at the sudden thought of their text conversation. "After what you texted him, I don't even want my phone anymore."

Gojo slumped back leaning into the wall. "Come on! It wasn't that bad! I was just being honest."

"Well what a stupid time to be honest. He asked what your weaknesses are and you sent 'nada ;P.' I don't even text like that!" The whole situation was wracking at her brain.

From such a conceded message, her brother had to be aware of something. Her previous texts had presented her in a pitiful light. She was perceived as someone who was scared and desperate. Now there was a cocky edge to her. Even though she could agree that it was highly possible that her chaotic classmate had no weaknesses, her brother didn't want to hear that.

"Well, he needs to come to terms with the truth eventually. He's out here being delulu wanting you to somehow make a weakness for me." He blew out his tongue as his hand imitated a sock puppet.

She narrowed her eyes at him slightly amused how unbothered he was by the whole thing.

That's the strongest for ya.

"Did you seriously say delulu?"

He lowered his glasses to the tip of his nose. "Isn't that what the kids say nowadays?"

"Maybe in a decade or so from now."

As she continued shopping Gojo forced an audible huff out his mouth. Kanae turned to him with slight irritation as he flashed her a cheeky smile.

Oh how he loved how easy it was for him to get her attention.

"Didn't we abandon Suguru and Shoko so we can text your brother together? They are going to find our sudden separation suspicious."

Her brow twitched almost forgetting such. It wasn't her fault she was swindled by the beauty of luxury. She walked over to him taking a seat as she pulled out her phone.


You think you're funny?
Everyone has a weakness.

Well if he does, it is impossible to find out.
I've been around him so much in the span of a month. All I see is that he's an overpowered magic nut.

"Wow. You think of me like that?" Gojo pouted glancing at Kanae.

"Am I wrong?"

"Probably not, but you could have said it in a way that respects the strongest." He pulled the phone out her grasp. "I'll show you how."

Magic nut?
The hell does that mean?
Is this all a joke to you?

A joke?
I've been around greatness for over a month! How could you even defeat him?
He's strong externally and internally.
You can't take him down.
He will win every time.

Seems like you are fond over him.
I never seen you as the type to praise someone for their power.

I sure am

"Are you crazy?!" Kanae yanked the phone back thundering taps upon the screen.

Limitless ✩ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now