Prompt 2- "Don't worry, I got you."

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The clock struck midnight as a low drizzle filled the gloomy streets of the night. It leaves a haze in the streetlights, orange reflecting off the puddles. It's muggy, the air sticking as they breath.

Angel held Veteran's hand as they hid in the dumpster.

"I had a bad feeling," Veteran spoke, an 'I told you so' tone to his voice.

"Shush! Erik, you're going to get us caught if you don't!" Angel whined, putting a hand over her brother's mouth.

Veteran sighed, settling back against the wall of the damp and stinky dumpster. He cringed as the feeling of an unknown substance sticks to his Discord shirt. "Ew."

"Oh shut up, you literally grew three new species of mold in your old Mountain Dew cans!" Angel huffed, rolling her eyes. She throws her hood over her head, it floating with her halo

"Fair, but still ew," Veteran rolled his eyes back. He then covered his mouth as he heard footsteps go by. "Oh Jesus..."

"You're Jewish, you don't even believe in Jesus," Angel whisper's back. Veteran snickered, but his smug expression immediately dies down.

A flashlight is shown into the dumpster, Angel and Veteran looking to each other in horror. The two bust out of the dumpster, beginning to run. A cop runs after them.

"Get back here!" The cop yells, charging after the two siblings.

Veteran wheezed as he ran, Angel practically dragging him along. Angel was the much faster of the two of them, since she didn't spend all day in COD lobbies full of alt right 12 year olds. Angel jumped over a railing.

Veteran stood on the edge, eyes widening in fear at the drop. "Angel... Angel I don't think I can do it."

"Don't worry, I got you," Angel replied, attempting to coax her brother down the railing so they didn't get dragged to jail. Again. Though, that's a story for another time.

Veteran sighed in annoyance and hopped over with an 'oomph' as he fell on his back.

Angel cringed. "Oooooo, you good?"

Veteran wheezed as he sat up, Angel assisting. Angel helps him up and makes a run for it. Veteran ran besides her, the two running into a tunnel.

"Uh, Angel. I got a bad feeling again," Veteran stated, mentally counting down to shit hitting the fan.

"It can't be that ba--" Lights down the tunnel interrupt Angel's statement. She looks down and she immediately grabs Veteran's hand, booking it. "Train!"

"I told you!" Veteran shouts, pulling her off the tracks just seconds before the train hits the two. "I thought you'd have better common sense, but no!"

"Says the one who'd drink shampoo and then be sad that it doesn't taste like what it smelled of!" Angel huffed, fluffing Veteran's hair.

"Because it's a crime!" Veteran whined. "False advertising."

"Hire Elle Woods or whatever her name is as your lawyer, then," Angel rolled her eyes.

"You mean Gnome?" Veteran replied.

"Yeah, them!" Angel nodded. "She honestly could win that case for you."

"Probably." Veteran leaned back in the ditch the two sat in. "Ugh, I want to go home and play some Rainbow Six."

"I honestly prefer Overwatch," Angel shrugs.

"Mercy main," Veteran laughed.

"She's hot!" Angel protested, crossing her arms. "Personall--"

"I do not want to hear it!" Veteran covered his ears. "Lalalala!!"

"Leedle-lee, leedle-lee," Angel mocked. "Man, you really do sound like Patrick Star."

"Well you sound like Sandy, soooo," Veteran shrugs. He cracks open a Monster can and leans against the wall with a sigh. He chugs it and then picks off the tab. He then placed the can in his backpack.

"True," Angel shrugs. She looks at the clock. "It's going to be a long night."

"Long night indeed," Veteran agreed.

And a long night it certainly was, hiding from the cops. Did they learn their lesson? No. No they didn't. Yay.

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