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Everything sucked. Nothing really mattered.

That was the lesson Inara Gallery grew up with. Her father, an alcoholic buried in debt, and her mother, a fragile thing addicted to cannabis, raised her with that in mind.

Of course, Inara's life wasn't the best. She hardly ever got to eat. She got made fun of at school. Her parents were always fighting.

The only way she got by was imagining herself in all of her favourite shows and games. From South Park to the DreamSMP, Inara dreamed of it all.

But once the violence of her parents turned to her, Inara couldn't handle life for much longer.

Her one friend at school had transferred elsewhere, so Inara was truly all alone to deal with the torment both at school and at home.

The moment it turned physical, Inara was done.

She stole some rope from the local hardware store and hung herself in her bedroom that same evening.

When she was found, her parents simply shrugged it off and went back to their substance abuse, glad that she wasn't draining their limited money supply anymore.

Inara thought that killing herself would release her from the abuse, but it would only bring her to a new kind.

Once she fell into blackness, Inara was surprised to hear an alarm ringing.

Inara didn't think much of it, until a door being slammed open made her eyes shoot open.

She was inside an unfamiliar bedroom, with an unfamiliar girl standing at the door.

"Come on Inara!" The girl giggled. "Today's the day we go onto Total Drama! Wake up, wake up, wake up! We're almost to Cody!" The girl skipped down the hallway.

That's when Inara recognized who had been at the door.

That was Sierra, from the third season of Total Drama. Why was Sierra's house the afterlife?

As Inara stepped out of the bed, she pinched herself.

Nothing happened.

That's when it finally dawned on her.

All of those fanfictions. All of that anime. All of it claiming that it was just fictional...

Inara had been transported into Total Drama World Tour, the season she had only just started watching. And from the sounds of it, she was about to go onto the actual show.

Inara knew absolutely nothing about what she was about to get herself into.

Let Me Die (Yandere? Total Drama X O.C)Where stories live. Discover now