Chapter 2: Arrival

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The boat bounced up and down and up and down. The rocking motion was making me nauseous and dizzy. Not only was I nervous for my first day on the job, but now I'm nauseous. This is going to be a great day.

After a while of bobbing up and down with the waves. Behind the soft must an island appeared. There it was...the island.

"Isla Nublar..." I said softly.

The boat came to a stop at the island dock. People were rushing off the boat and into lines. I pulled out my employees badge again so I could get through the crowd. People looked at me as I passed them by. I finally got to the front of the line and got onto the monorail. I sat down in a seat and looked out the window. People poured onto the monorail and the doors shut behind them.

We slowly started to move forward, going faster and faster. People gathered to the front of the monorail to see the gates. The silver, metal sign with the blue writing was placed on the top of the signature gates. The monorail went straight threw and we all got a view of the whole park. The monorail stopped at the main centre and tones of people stepped off, relieving the remaining guests that where still seated. After leaving the main stop and continuing along the rail, it soon came to a stop at the hotel and this is where I got off.

I walked into the hotel, over to the reception desk and sat down my suitcase.

"Hi, I'm (f/n) (l/n). I'm here to get my room key." I said.

"Employee or Visitor?" the receptionist replied. Her voice was cheerful and welcoming.


"Can I have your verification please?"

I pulled out my employee badge and handed it to her. She gave it a few inspections and then handed it back to me. She got out of her seat and walked over to a cabinet on the back wall. She opened it to reveal keys, supposedly room keys. She pulled one off its hook, closed the cabinet door and handed me the key.

"You're on level 4, room 3." She said, handing me the key.

"Thank you." I said in reply.

I grabbed hold on my suitcase and walked over to the elevator. I pressed the buttons and it only took a few seconds before the clear glass elevator doors opened. I walked inside and the doors shut behind me as I pressed the button with a number four printed on it. My body went off balance as the elevator began to rise. I never really liked elevators...I was always afraid of them breaking down and falling. The elevator finally stopped and the glass doors opened. I hurried out and onto solid flooring. I was relieved. I looked down the hall and looked for my room.

"Number one...two...ah! Three." I said as I found my apartment door.

I put the key into the lock and turned it, hearing the click sound. I grabbed the handle, turned it and pushed the door open. The first thing I saw was the large wooden doors that led to a balcony. The view was of the entire park. It was beautiful. The walls were a light brown and the carpet was cream coloured and had a soft feeling to them. The lounge room was in front of me, and beside that was a kitchen. An arch led into the bed room where I saw a queen sized bed with white sheets, cream cover and a brown blanket lying at the end. Next to the bedroom was a bathroom with a bath, shower, sink and of course a toilet. I put my suitcase at the end of my bed and started to unpack. I put my clothes in the neatly in the draws and closet. I put my soaps and shampoos in the bathroom with my other essentials. I brought a few varieties of food with me including potato chips, jelly beans, an assortment of chocolates, and more little goodies. I put the treats into the cupboards in the kitchen.

'I'll need to buy more food if I'm going to live her. Maybe I should ask Claire about it.' I thought.

I had finally finished unpacking. I walked over to the balcony and took one more view before I had to get to work. Claire must have given me the best room because I'm her best friend. I walked out of my room, locking the door behind me and putting the key in my front left pocket.

I'm so ready for this...

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