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"Excuse me are you listening to me?!" the teacher practically shouted, slamming her hands down on my desk. 

My head shot up in shock at the sudden noise. I know I wasn't supposed to be sleeping, but its 9am..."I was totally listening Ms. Davis" I mumbled out groggily. I sat up in my chair and focused my attention on her. All eyes in the classroom were on us of course, and I wanted to be as unfazed by it as I could. 

"Tell me what I said then..." She crossed her arms sassily. I sighed, there was no getting out of this one.

 "Weren't you talking about your ex husband ma'am, I don't think Sadie really needs to retain that to be honest" A voice calls out. I turned my head to see Nick with his hand still up, he sent a small smile in my direction and I returned the gesture. 

Nick had always been there for me in situations like these. He is and will always be the greatest friend I ever had. Ms. Davis cleared her throat as she slowly made her way back to the front of the class. Nicks comment earned a few snickers from our classmates, but I could tell it truly got under her skin. 

Luckily for me, the bell rang soon after, so I didn't have to sit through Ms. Davis' awkward attempt at recovery. 

"Sades, you really gotta start sleeping at night" Nick tried, standing in front of my desk as I shoved things into my bag. "I'm tryinggg, it's hard being at home" I sigh. He holds out his arm for me to hold on to as we make our way out to the hall. 

Our next class we had with Nicks brother Chris, who was conveniently waiting for us in front of the door. "what's up guys" Chris greets as I release Nick from my grip. "Sadie got yelled at by Davis" Nick said, patting my shoulder a bit. 

I roll my eyes, and Chris furrows his eyebrows. "Why'd she yell at you Sades?" He questions. We all sit down in the far back corner, Nick next to me and Chris in front of me. "I fell asleep during the end of her rambling about her failed relationship. I swear I don't think anyone was paying attention either." I tell him. Chris shakes his head, "what does that have to do with you.." He mutters, turning around to face the teacher. 

"That's what I was thinking, but Nick went all boss bitch and shut her down" I smiled, nudging Nick as he rolled his eyes. "No because I didn't learn a single thing in her class today, she's just picking on the youth because she's bitter." Nick states. I nod in agreement. 

"Sick guys we have a sub today!" Chris exclaims turning back to face me. I look up to see an older man in place of our usual teacher. "Great, I can sleep more" I say, placing my head down on my desk.  "No Sades, stay upppp, entertain meeee" Chris drags out. "No let her sleep, she needs it" Nick says.

Chris groans in annoyance, "Sades, you should come over after school then" He says softly this time. I nod, not lifting my head.

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