"There's more," I admitted, tearing my gaze from his knowing I was going to have to fight for the next step of our scout. "Mama Luna lives in a secluded place because it's safer for her. The Goddess can't risk losing her, so she guided her somewhere she can live in peace."

"Aren't many places like that around," Corey muttered.

"Exactly. So she's not 'around'."

Jake groaned. "Just spit it out, Amira."

"She lives on an island."

Silence. Utter silence. I glanced at Colby for his opinion, and found he was already prepared to completely decline my request. He'd probably do it without hesitation, if I didn't quickly reach over to take his hand. He got so distracted that his open mouth closed.

"There are a network of werewolves who are technically a part of her pack all around the world. They take wolves to the island for free, because it's their duty. Travelling there won't be hard, it's just... far."

"Will they let vampires come with you?" Mike asked skeptically, his eyes flicking between Colby and I.

I nodded. "I've heard of it happening. Very few times, but it can in special circumstances. I..." I trailed off, shaking my head.

"What?" Cassie prompted gently.

"Well..." I thought carefully about the words the Goddess had said to me way back when. "You all know how I got here but you don't know the specifics. The Goddess... she called you 'my people'. Among wolves, that usually means pack..."

She smiled. "So the Goddess saw us as your pack before you'd even met us?"


"Then she shouldn't mind if we tag along, right?"


I jumped at the sound of Colby's voice beside me. My head snapped in his direction as he slid his fingers between mine, clasping our hands together on his thigh. I felt my muscles wrapping tighter around him, squeezing even though I didn't know what was coming.

"You want her to go alone?" Sam questioned in disbelief. "I know it's a safe island and all but-"

"Not alone, but not with the rest of you, either. Keep the group here in case we're being watched." Colby cast his attention from person to person, holding my hand throughout it all. "Make it seem like everything is as normal. If we all leave, we not only put ourselves at risk, but the house at risk if Aiden sends his pack allies to fuck with us."

It took a moment before Jake and Kevin started snickering to each other, a look of utter disappointment on their faces. "That's such a long way of saying you want alone time with Amira."

"Just admit it," Jake added.

Colby rolled his eyes. "I'm being serious. Though... that is a bonus."

I fought off the smile trying to twist up my lips. "It's not like we'll be gone long if that's the plan."

"Take your time," Corey murmured, snorting to himself.

"'My people', my ass."

As the others laughed, I looked at Colby a little softer than usual. I appreciated the thought of not taking the entire group to meet such a legendary and meaningful werewolf. I didn't really want to bring them — especially those who couldn't keep their mouths shut. No matter how I felt about packs and specifically my ex pack, I would always respect that woman. She'd lived so many years with nothing but her own strength and integrity, and now she spent her days constantly helping others. She could have gone her own way; been a real alpha manning training and ruling. Instead, she wanted to help.

I gave up waiting for the clan to shut up, and stood, pulling Colby with me. I heard a little whistle that I ignored as I dragged him upstairs. Neoma lay on our bed comfortably, fast asleep, but that was okay.

Turning round, I asked, "Is that the plan? We go to Mama Luna?"

"Yeah," he replied quietly. His eyes trailed down my form for a long moment. "Tomorrow."

I squeaked when he grabbed me by the waist. Suddenly we were pressed together, his hands flat against my back and his eyes staring deeply into mine. I leaned upward automatically from our position, but as my gaze shifted down to his lips, his hands ran quickly to my thighs and he picked me up. I didn't even have to jump, but I wrapped my arms around his neck for balance. 

Choosing not to waste another second, I kissed him as hard as I could.

His trust in my judgement was a serious turn on... apparently.


I want to hear no complaints about lack of smut

you got THREE THOUSAND words of smut in one chapter not including their fooling around prior etc

so, get over it

(there'll be some in the next chapter)

Claws // Colby BrockOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz