"He didn't come" she frowned sitting down next to choso "sorry yeah" Choso said patting her back
"Whatever there's plenty more fish in the sea" Yuki shrugged the three of you taking turns to play with chosos Nintendo Ds

"Cake time everybody!!" Your father eventually shouted "Cake!!" Yuki cheered racing towards the cake like a little girl
"Does she not feel shame" Chosos sighed as you and him followed after her

"Red velvet cake always slaps" Yuki said as the three of you sat down eating "I still think chocolates better" Choso added
"Im fine with any that isn't fruit" you stated as you felt a tug on your skirt looking down to see ryoko

"[Name] can you ask your boyfriend to flip the bouncy castle again" the young girl asked, by this point, her hair that had been put into a sleek bun was sprung out and her dress was dirty, her tiara was missing two diamonds and she had no shoes or socks on

"Ryoko you already asked him once, don't bother him, yuki can do it for you" You said as your two friends looked at you "what am I doing?"
Yuki asked

"Pretty girl can you flip the bouncy castle for us?"ryoko asked yukis face lighting up "aren't you my new favourite child!! Of course" Yuki grinned jogging after Ryoko

"D'you want me to get you seconds? I feel bad dragging you here" You said to Choso who's finished his cake
"Nah it's fine, I like being around you so I don't mind" Choso said with a smile as you felt your heart flutter

"Really? I like being around you too" you smirked, admiring his figure in that black compression shirt
"Is there something on my shirt?" Choso said a hint of amusement laced in his voice

"Nah, but you should wear more shirts like these, makes it known that you go to the gym" you smiled "I could" Choso yawned "but then I'd have to hang out with girls who actually like me " he joked

"Like you'd find one" You scoffed Choso resting his chin on your shoulder "I don't know" He shrugged "maybe you'd like me too" He smiled running a hand through his thick black hair

"Watch yourself Kamo" you said looking away from Choso hoping the use of his last name would throw him off

"I don't usually like the use of my last name, but it sounds good coming from you" Choso shrugged

"Done!!" Yuki cheered running towards you two "should we head home?" You brought up, grabbing your bag and using chosos shoulder to hoist yourself up, feeling too lazy to do it on your own

"Sure, it is getting late" Yuki hummed wrapping her arms around the two of you as you waved goodbye to your family

❜ ─ ─ ❛

"Do you know that sharks actually have no bones" You said to yuki as the two of who sat in your room, yuki playing with one of your plushies while you braided her hair in a fish tail. You had finished washing your hair and had it wrapped up, leaving the rest of the bright red wrap to fall down in a ponytail like manner reminding you of erykah badu

"For real??" Yuki gasped

"Yeah, they're like super old like older than bones so they're made up of cartilage" You stated
"That's so freaky!! And you know dolphins have to remind themselves to breath" yuki gagged the door bursting open making the both of you jump

At your room's entrance stood a dishevelled Choso, his hair that had been tied in two meat buns now stuck to his sweaty face and most of his uniform was ripped showing off both his abs and a huge cut he had on his left shoulder

His breathing was rapid and he looked like he was about to collapse yet you would still hit

"What the fuck happened to you??" Yuki questioned as Choso stumbled into the room "I opened a domain expansion at the same time as two cursed users" He gruffed, falling into your arms

"Okay I'll take care of you" you sighed carrying the male with the help of yuki to your bed and preforming reversed cursed technique on him

"Does that feel better?" You asked as Choso moved his shoulder around "Yeah, thanks" He hummed handing into your pinky
"Shokos in Okinawa right now so our reversed cursed technique is the best you'll get" Yuki stated

"How bad were those cursed users, you could've called for help" You frowned handing Choso a clean handkerchief "but you're strong so it souldnt have been a problem" you added

Once of the main things that Choso loved about you was how strong you were, way stronger than him, but he never got the sense you looked down on him

"The higher ups said there would be one potential special grade curse, not two grade one cursed users, I was caught by surprise. That's how my shirt got torn" Choso sighed
"What is up with the higher ups and giving false labels?" You sighed
"One day someone's gonna get killed because of their negligence" Yuki scoffed looking through your stack of dvds for something to watch
"Guys let's watch white chicks!!" Yuki said, a dazed Choso giving her a thumbs up while he rested his head on your lap, "sure, that's one of my favourite movies" You grinned


It had been months since Choso joined jujutsu tech and he still hadn't managed to make friends. But this time it was his fault, he had two classmates that he was actively avoiding due to how intimidating he found them

At least the blonde one yuki just spoke about random shit that he barely understood but there was something about the other girl, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Anytime you talked to him he could only nod or would pretend he hadn't heard you, not because he didn't like you, far from that. But he was so scared to look dumb or say something dumb that he would rather keep to himself

He remembered the first thing you said to him when you met
"Dude do you struggle with sleep? I've got some tablets for that" you said shuffling through your bag only to look up and find that the dark haired male was gone

Choso found himself rummaging through the fridge as he sipped on a caprisun, looking for something to eat
"I knew you didn't sleep" a voice said from behind him making him let out a little screech turning to see you

"Oh! L/n.." Choso said "I thought you were tsukumo for a second" the noirette sighed
"Nah, she blacked out the minute we came back from the city" you chuckled "you should join us some time, you never talk to us yet we're classmates" You sighed being met with silence from Choso

"Did I do something to offend you? I noticed you talk to yuki way more than me and it feels like it's on purpose sometimes" You frowned
"No no, I really like you, I'm just not the best at socialising" Choso said frantically as you let out a laugh.

"Oh great! I thought you hated me" You giggled
"We're going to the arcade tomorrow, wanna join us?" You proposed

"Sure" Choso mumbled his heart pounding against his chest not knowing this was the start of beautiful friendship that he wished could blossom into more, but in his eyes he was Icarus and you were the sun, he didn't want to damage his wax wings nor did he want to ruin your friendship. He didn't know what he'd do if that happened

❜ ─ ─ ❛

Choso couldn't fathom how he'd ended up from that to here, resting his head on the girl he liked thighs, no awkward tension no distance, nothing. Choso ws smitten

Even if you didn't like him back, Choso was content with the way your relationship was right now. He felt goosebumps all over his skin and you played with his hair
You made him feel like he was in primary again, a smile gracing his face as he enjoyed the moment thankful for what he had

"[Name] I'm hungry" Yuki pouted as the movie came to the bit where the detective was sniffing Marcus and Kevin's panties

"Am I your mother? Boil some instant ramen" You said kissing your teeth "but it's late!!" Yuki cried
"It's literally seven pm" Choso deadpanned

"I'll make some chicken burritos" Choso said getting up, Yuki screaming at the top of her lungs in excitement
"You just came back from a mission, we'll help you out" You smiled

"Who's we??" Yuki questioned

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