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I woke up with a groan and stared at my small not-so-digital clock.

Sighing, I got up and changed into my "school clothes", a tight shirt, short skirt.

I put on my blond wig and my makeup, before ending with perfume, outside of my cave so as not to kill off anything in my cave.

I began the treck to school, where I am head popular girl.


(on the way to school)


"Hey bro we still searching for that girl today?" I asked Colin.

"Yea remember petite, black hair, shy"

"K bro"

This short covorsation occured as I drove us to school in my red ferrari.

I pulled into the parking lot just in time to see Sara(a/n This is Kali's alias) and her sluts.

Although nobody had ever been with Sara, we still counted her as head slut for her goonies were major sluts and had been with every boy in all of the nearest towns.

I felt my mind drift back to the cove at the girl who seemed so afraid of us, but I swear I saw a blush on her face when she ran away.

"Earth to Chris... I repeat Earth to Chris"Colin shouted in my ear.

Wincing, I pushed him away jokingly.

I didn't realize that we were at our lockers, convienently right next to eachother, untill I was pulled forcfully out of my thoughts.

After grabbing my books, I headed off to my first class, Calculus.

I groaned at the thought of Sara being in my next 4 classes.


I stood on the parking lot, waiting for my 'goonies' as everyone calls them.

I watched as cars pulled up and people got out, greeting their friends, and doing that weird hug boys do to eachother.

Watching as the geeks discussed homework, the goths took their place on the steps, and the jocks just fooling around.

I spotted Claudia and hirried over to her.

I had no true friends, who knew my secrets, secrets in which I will never reveal.

The rest of my "friends" appeared and we walked inside as a group.

"Calista"Claudia started"Here are your books and look at the hottest dude in the school, Chris"Claudia informed one of my friends.

Turning to look, the five of us, Me Claudia Maggie Bella Calista, sighed in sync and headed off to our seperate classes for first period.





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