day 2: graveyard

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contains: being buried alive

Two shovels. Three flashlights. Four sets of spare batteries. Five zip ties.

Oh yeah.

And one body.

He wasn't dead yet. Not by a mile.

Just a little banged up and woozy

Grape didn't want him dead.




He wanted him alive for this.

He wanted this to be long and torturous.

Just like he had done to him.

Wolf was still coming around from the original hit with the shovel while he was walking home that night.

Two zip ties around his wrists. Three around his feet.

And a strip of bright green duct tape courtesy of Forrest who was told he needed it to fix a lamp.

Grape let his tormentor come back to his complete senses while he dug a hole.

Wolf slowly became aware of his situation.

His hands behind his back, mouth taped closed.

He had no idea where he was or what had happened to lead up to this.

Or what had happened while he was out.

He could feel dried blood at the base of his neck running down his back.

He looked around frantically to try and regain his bearings.

It was a little harder than anticipated with one broken lens and another missing altogether.

He quickly established he was in the back corner of a graveyard and he could hear someone digging behind him.

He wretched his whole body to turn himself around knocking his chin painfully on the ground while doing such.

He let out a muffled sound of pain into the tape.

His glasses slipped off his face into the grass. Not that it mattered.

"Wolf. remind me how tall you are again?"

He recognized that voice.


Grape stared down at him, the dark rings under his eyes made his eyes look pitch black in wolfs blurry field of vision.

"Oh right, you can't talk."

Wolf let out a couple more muted attempts at speaking.

He had so many questions.

Grape bent down and grabbed the restrained boys collar.

"Get up" he dragged Wolf staggering and hopping to his feet.

He walked the boy over to where the shovels and flashlights lay on the ground.

"In." he gave Wolf a shove

Normally this kind of push would have done nothing to Wolf but his feet were tied and he was on the edge of a significant drop off.

He crashed to the bottom of the hole, hitting his head on the edge of the pit.

He whined in pain blinking hard, his nose bleeding.

"I bet it's strange for you to not be winning, huh?" Grape picked up a shovel giving Wolf's shins a few good whacks to get him neatly tucked into the hole.

Wolf winced after each hit, the wince occasionally coupled with a muffled sound of pain.

"I hope it hurts." grape slammed his shovel down on the now trapped boy a few more times. Drawing blood.

"I dont think anyone will miss you." he made sure to hit him once more pulling the shovel out of the hole.

He almost enjoyed the sound of agony the other boy made.

Grape dropped the shovel in the grass, exchanging it for the bigger shovel and getting a shovel full of the loose dirt from the previous excavation.

He held the shovel over the hole looking down at Wolf.

For the first time Grape had ever seen, as he looked down at the boy who had made his life hell since middle school, he could see fear on Wolf's face.

He should be scared.

Wolf was fucking terrified.

Did he really deserve this?
Yes, faced with the looming threat of being buried alive in this graveyard he could admit maybe he went too far on occasion...

Maybe some of it was unwarranted.

He was kind of a total asshole

But did he really deserve this?

Grape dropped the first shovel full of dirt on his legs.

His little self-preservation instincts kicked into overdrive and he trashed and fought against the walls of the grave grape had dug him.

He tried to scream, he tried to work the tape off his face.

Grape continued this until the weight of the dirt completely restricted Wolf's movement from the torso down.

"Goodbye, you fucking asshole."

He put a scoop of dirt over Wolf's head, the mix of dirt pebbles, and grass stuck to his hair and settled on his shoulders before grape poured another shovel full of dirt on him

He didn't deserve this.

Wolf had decided he didn't deserve to die. Maybe he deserved to suffer. But not die. Esspecially not like this.

He tried to scream again. But it was swallowed by the tape.

Grape watched Wolf struggle with a strange satisfaction, with each shovel of dirt added back on top of him, he felt a feeling of relief. It was over once he was gone. He was free.

He looked down at his tormentor, who looked back up at him with tears in his eyes. He looked desperate. And Grape liked that.

Wolf could hardly breathe now with the weight of the dirt on him. There was dirt in his left eye and he didn't dare open his right one. Dirt stuck to the tear streaks on his face.

This was cruel.

This was karma.

He deserved it.

He had stopped fighting.

Not that he had much of a choice.

Grape sat eating a bag of Cheez-Its next to the fresh soil that now covered the hole.

The dirt had stopped its slight heaving about thirty minutes ago and the sun was starting to peak through the trees.

He stood up, wiping the dirt off his pants and picking up his shovels and flashlights.

He took one last look at the fresh unmarked grave in the back of the graveyard.

He tossed the empty wrapper on the grave and carved two letters, WK, into the dirt before walking out the wrought iron gate of the cemetery.

He was free

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