III: The Last Day

Start from the beginning

"Oh because you're a such genius." She said sarcastically handing the glass back to him. 

"Elijah's an original vampire. One who just a few days ago we were trying to kill. We're just supposed to believe this guy?" He asked turning towards her. 

"No." She said blankly as he gave her a confused look. "But we're going to have to trust Elena." 

He scoffed, "she's gonna get herself killed."

"She made her decision Damon. She's choosing to trust Elijah. We have to respect that." Briana said looking down.

 Did she agree with this insane plan to trust Klaus' brother? Not at all. But she knew if they tried to stop Elena she would just go behind their backs and end up in more danger than she's already in. 

"Well that makes you the biggest idiot of them all." He sneered towards Briana. 

"Hey don't start with your little attitude towards me I am the only one who can semi-tolerate you. Right now I'm all you've got." She sneered back.

"She chose to trust you too, you know?" Briana looked up at him. Poking at his feelings towards the doppelgänger she was hoping to get some sort of positive or calming reaction from him. But Damon didn't saw a word. He simply chugged the last of his bourbon and made his way back into the house. 

Briana sighed as her phone started to ring: Caroline. 


Briana walked into the grill looking around furiously for Caroline. She pulled out her phone to text her sister as she overheard her mother's voice, "She's not the same. She's a vampire." 

Briana peaked her head around a pillar to see her mother sat at a booth with Matt Donovan. She stayed out of their eyesight while she listened to the remainder of their conversations silently cursing at herself for still not finding a way to get Liz off of Caroline's trail. Between the Klaus and her mom's drama, Briana barely had time to breathe let alone create two diabolical plans. 

Briana smiled as she heard Matt come to her sister's defense, but Liz persisted. As soon as Liz brought up that the vampires in this town are responsible for Vicki's death, Matt's entire demeanor changed. 

"Why are you hesitating sheriff? Why haven't you done anything?" The boy asked. 

"Because I need more time." Liz breathed. Briana let out a breath of relief she had been holding in. She had time to figure out a plan.

"And because in spite of everything I just said, I look at her and I see my daughter." Liz said shyly. Briana couldn't help but smile. That would be the key to her plan. Reminding Liz that despite what Caroline had become, deep down inside she's still the same old Caroline. 

Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone started blaring its ringtone. She internally cursed as she hid behind the nearest table she could find and her mom's head turned in her direction. 

Before she could even say hello Caroline spoke through the phone, "Change in plans. Matt doesn't have a break for another hour so I'm going to go run some errands. You want to join me? We can hit the mall?" 

Briana walked out of the grill, "Actually Care I think we should go back to the Salvatore House. We need to know what we're up against in trying to take down Klaus." 

"Just one day I wish we didn't have to deal with the supernatural crap that goes on in this town." Caroline sighed through the phone. 

"Well if all the vampires were like you maybe we wouldn't have to. I'll meet you there in 5." Briana smiled as she hung up her phone. 

Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (book one)Where stories live. Discover now