BACK STORY ( edited )

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My eyes fluttered open to see that I was still in akira's home. I looked down to see that Akira was peacefully sleeping on my lap. She looked adorable in her sleeping form.

I gently shook her to wake her up, my legs gone numb and I couldn't feel my legs. She slowly woke up and rubbed the sleep off of her eyes with the sleeve of her kimono. " Aghh what....what time is it...where am i" she sed drowsily. " Well...we are in your house and you fell asleep on my lap and it is in the late evening. "

I sed rubbing the back of my head. " Wait... I did that. Oh my god I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Now you can't go home because it's late and that's my fault. I'm such a idiot." She sed getting a hold of things and apologizing vigorously. " No it's alright. Besides my home is only five minutes away. No need to apologize. And it's my fault for falling asleep and not getting up. So don't blame yourself." I sed dusting my self off and getting ready to leave.

" Well....I need to go now. I think I overstayed my visit here. See ya tomorrow aki" I sed as I bowed to her and heading over to the door. "Alrighty...come over next time and be safe" she sed waving me off.

As soon as she was not in sight I ran as fast as I can so I won't need to be here when night falls.

Akira pov
I closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. " Well....good thing she didn't go exploring around the house. Or else she'll get suspicious as why I have a freaking nichirin sword smack on the wall of my bedroom wall. God I need to be more careful when people come to my state." I sed as I entered my bedroom to see my past nichirin sword hanging from the right side wall.

" I sed as I entered my bedroom to see my past nichirin sword hanging from the right side wall

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I unsheathed the sword as the moon light shimmered when the moonlight gazed it. When the moonlight hit my body a birth mark like mark could be seen clearly on the right side of my neck.

It was a baby pink and a touch of mint green and yellow

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It was a baby pink and a touch of mint green and yellow. I knew I was marked and had only a few years until I die. That being the main reason as to why I quit being a demon slayer even though I could be a great asset to defeating who started it all.

He made people suffer.......

He made me suffer........

All my life I lived a normal and peaceful life with no knowledge about what is been going on. But he destroyed it. He destroyed the only chance I had of being normal.

That faith full day I lost every one. Everyone I loved gone. I wasn't even there when it happened. It is all because of one night that I decided to not come home.

A small tear went pass my eyes as I got a horrific flash back of my past. All my family members limp on the cold hard floor of my house blood painting the white walls. There were some missing limbs from my family.

I'm so sorry dad.

I'm so sorry mom.......

I'm so sorry sis.......

I wasn't there when it happened. I wasn't able to save you from getting killed. I broke my promise to you sis. I wasn't able to protect you from your deaths. I'm so sorry.....

I sed to my self as I fell to the floor no longer able to stand up any more. I cried my heart out as my sword was supporting my weight. Suddenly I coughed and when I looked at my palm that I used to cover my mouth it was stained with blood. My blood. " Very soon I will be able to see you again. And then we can be together for ever. Just like I promised." I sed as I looked up at the celling feeling a pounding headache coming making me dizzy. I supported my head with my palm as I hissed in pain. And then everything went black.

Kokoshibo pov

As soon as I got home. I felt uneasy like if someone was watching observing my every move. Soon that feeling went away as I slide down the wooden door. " What was that about.... I never felt so uneasy all my life. Was someone spying on me???? that couldn't be it. I am surrounded with wisteria. Then no one can harm me...yeah it was just my imagining things " I shrugged it off but I couldn't shake off the feeling of impending doom that was waiting to take a hold of it self.

Muzan pov
I sat in my office. Twirling the hair of the decapitated woman who dared to touch me without consent. " God....I love the expression she make....ahem used to make when I started to torture her. She was purely horrified when I showed her my true form of her 'beloved husband'. That what they'll get if they ever betray me. Well you can't betray me now can you you incomposite woman." I sed as I threw her head somewhere in my office.

" But her meat.... truly a delicacy." I thought as I washed my hands to get rid of her filthy blood.

"Master.... Can I come in" one of my demon subordinates asked from the other side of my office door. " Come in Gyyoko" I sed as I heard a door open and close as he entered. " Master I have important news about him" he sed nervously. I rose an eyebrow at his confession to continue. My heart raced out my chest when he continued. " I have found him master." He sed. Suddenly he started to choke when I grabbed him by his throat.

" So where is he Gyyoko. Where the fuck is he. What did I told you. I told you to bring him back as soon as you shits can
..... Do you not remember. You disgust me. You are not worthy of an upper rank or my valuable time. Bring him back by tomorrow or else you'll suffer a fate more than being decapitated by a nichirin sword. Now leave my sight. If you ever do a mistake again....well you can find out if you do " he gulped and bowed to say yes master or something like that.

I wasn't listening as I was too excited think about the audacity of my lousy upper moons any way.

"Soon my lovely Kokoshibo you'll be mine again. Mine for ever. If you try to escape again I'll make sure you don't by shackling you so you won't escape. After all who are you without me and who am I without you?" I sed to my self as I let out a rough chuckles as moon light hit my form it could clearly see my glowing orbs as I smiled to myself like a psychopath would.

" You made me so obsessive over you and now I can't let you go....I wouldn't let you go. You did this to yourself. Making me falling in love is your fault and now you'll pay me by being by my side for ever"
Hello there fello readers, here's your daily dose of chap. Are you excited about the oncoming fight? Cause I am also it is only a few chaps away yay. And also I am super nervous about it too. As you know I am not that great at writing fight scenes so wish me luck. And to make it a fair fight I will lower Kokoshibu s power significantly so you can enjoy it.

An announcement
So I won't be posting for a while because mid term exams are like 8 days away and I want a head start so yeah I won't be posting much until exams are over... I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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