happier - chris (sequel to sincere gestures)

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After you and Chris got out of the car, he walked you inside so you can do what you've wanted but dreaded to do all day; talk to Matt about your relationship.

You took a shaky breath before walking to Matt's room, Chris right on your heels and his hand in yours. As you walk up to the door, Chris gives your hand a reassuring squeeze as you give him a soft smile before slowly dropping his hand and knocking on the door.

"Come in," you hear from the other side. Taking one last deep breath you enter his room, shutting the door behind you.

Matt looks up from his phone, immediately putting it down and sitting up upon seeing you.

"Hey." His face was expressionless; you couldn't tell how he was feeling at all, and therefore how this conversation would go.

You awkwardly smiled at him, unsure of what to do or how to start. "Hey."

He looks down at the floor, taking the same deep breath you took before you walked in. He knew exactly what you were here for. And as nervous as you were to be having this conversation, you wouldn't let him evade you this time.

"Chris is outside, isn't he?" he asked quietly, looking up into your eyes then. You nodded your head, too afraid to speak but knowing you would have to soon.

"You like him?"

"Yes," you whispered, still feeling terrible about your crush on his brother.

Matt's jaw clenched, though as you quickly studied him, the rest of his body language didn't indicate he was angry. He spent a few moments staring at the floor again in his thoughts, and you suddenly found yourself unable to hold your own thoughts in anymore.

"Matt, can I ask you something?" He looked up at the sound of his name, a look you couldn't decipher on his features.

"Why did you start acting like you didn't care?"

His brows furrowed in confusion at your question, and he took a few seconds to answer. "I've always cared about you."

"At the beginning, maybe. But lately it just seems like you haven't really wanted me around. I've tried to talk to you about it but you would just dodge me. And then there was today..." you trailed off, taking a slow breath in as you watched for his reaction, waiting to hear what he would say next.

"I don't know, honestly," he shakes his head in thought and purses his lips as he stands up, arms folded. "I don't have an excuse. I shouldn't have been a dick to you, you didn't deserve that. And I definitely could've put more effort into your birthday. I'm sorry."

"Yeah," you breathed out a laugh, briefly looking down at the floor once more. He takes a couple steps towards you, slowly stretching his arms out. You meet him halfway, wrapping your arms around his middle as he wraps his around your shoulders. You sigh into his hold, squeezing him just a little tighter, causing him to do the same. Even though there were no longer any romantic feelings between the two of you, you still cared about him deeply. He was a big part of your life for so long. And he would always have a special place in your heart.

"You deserve him," he says, pulling away.

"Thank you," you whisper, giving him a gentle smile. No other words needed to be said between the two of you. You both knew it was over. And you felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.

Shutting his door behind you, you turn to Chris with a soft smile on your face. "Did you hear?"

He nodded, encasing you in a comforting hug. You relaxed in his touch, bringing your arms up to hug him back and burying your face in his shoulder. After a few moments he lets go, hands resting briefly resting on your arms and a huge smile crossing his features.

"It's still your birthday, I have one more surprise for you. I asked Nick to get some stuff ready for you while we were out. Go get ready." He turns to run upstairs, but turns back around when he hears you respond.

"Get ready how?" you ask, eyebrows furrowing.

"Take a relaxing shower, put on something comfy, and then meet me in my room." Before you could ask anymore questions, he had disappeared up the stairs. Excited to see what else he had in store for you on top of the evening he already gave you, you follow him up the stairs and do exactly what he says.

After hopping out of the shower and putting on a comfortable outfit you had left at the triplets' house from your relationship with Matt, you head to Chris' room, your curiosity growing with each step. You hear a "come in" after knocking and gasped at the sight before you.

He had a small cake on his nightstand that ready "Happy Birthday Y/N," a few birthday balloons blown up around the room with your favorite color ribbon, some of your favorite snacks and drinks (and of course his Pepsi) waiting for the both of you on the bed, and he had your favorite Disney movie set up on his TV waiting for you to press play.

"Happy birthday," he says after you took everything in, his face bright red in nervousness. He notices you start to tear up as you look at him, and his smile slightly drops as he rushes over to you, engulfing you in another hug.

"This is amazing Chris, thank you. No one's ever put this much effort into my birthday before."

He rubs his thumb across your cheek, his forehead leaning against yours. "It's like I told you earlier, you deserve the best."

"Careful Christopher, I might start expecting this level of attention every year," you joked, looking up at him with a mischievous smile on your face.

He took a minute to respond, taking the time to slowly gaze over your facial features, ending with your eyes. His beautiful baby blues bore into your own eyes and you swore your heart skipped a beat or two.

"If it'll keep that beautiful smile on that face of yours, I'll give you all my attention. Every year."

You lean in to kiss his cheek as he did to you in the car, and he responds by gently placing kisses all over your face, ending with your lips.

As you're both laying in his bed together watching the movie, there's a warmth in your chest. The day may have started out sour, but it ended better than you could've imagined. You were glad to have closure with Matt. Glad that things seemed to be better between you now that you were broken up. Glad that you had someone like Chris to pick you back up when you were feeling down.

And you couldn't be happier.

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