"Panda! Toge!"

"What is-"

"No questions! I'm sending you two to jujutsu high right now."


"Geto, is there now. It's absolutely, probably, certain!"

"Which is it?!"

"If my inutution is right,in this worst case, Yuta and maki coudld both die. I'll head there after I take. Care of taht forigenger. Protect those two, sorry but defend them with our lives!"

"Salmon!" "Right!"

"No way... they figured it out?"

"This is why I said you should t least prepare a stand in." Ryoko said. "Now where's that Tsukimura Yurika I have no interest in the other Tsukimura just Yurika"

"Why dose nanami-San have to be in Kyoto? I wanted to see him a shine!"

"Shut up! Quit griping me fight!"

"Oh? Is that Yurika-San over there?"

There any curse around me I didn't move yet there getting closer and closer I grapped my katana used my curse technique and lifted it and then all curses where gone

"What?! All she did was raise her katana?!"

"She didn't just raise her katana but she used her time technique taht makes her so fast that it looks like she didn't move now fight!"

I ran threw the streets excoriseing each curse i see I paused for a moment feeling a similar curse technique I feel before "so you're Tsukimura Yurika?" I knew she was already from the Fujita clan the way her curse energy felt and the deep red eyes

"You're a Fujita aren't you? But you're weak" I said to her her curse energy wasn't as strong as the one I meet "where you charm?" I asked her

"Charm? Oh, wait you're talking about the charm that can block of you curse energy? I'm stronger then you so I don't need it" she said confidently and I walked closer to her as she backed away "so it's alright for me to use my curse technique? So should I fight you without it?me being your opponent was your biggest mistake "

"Do whatever you want" she said as she sweat nervously "anything?"

Fujita Ryoko🔥

"Anything?" My uncle fought her years ago and said she's weak but her curse energy it feel way too strong! She walked towards me as her eyes glowed she was already using her curse technique it's felt overwhelming I should of brought a charm

"Ryoko you sure you don't need this charm? It would help you have a better chance of winning this charm blocks off all curse technique of the Tsukimura clan and Yurika has gotten more stronger then I last met her"

"I'm sure I can do this!"

I cant do this! She's so fast and strong she's able read all of my moves and dives each one she isn't using her katana my she's punching kicking me she able to land attacks from me "why won't you use your katana on me?"

"Why would I use a katana on someone weak when I know I can defeat them with out using a katana?" She said with a smile as I was on the ground and she looked down on me with she glowing eyes faded which meant she turned off her curse technique "you should of brought that charm but even if you did I will win" she said as she kicked my far making a big sound

"Ryoko?! What are you doing?!"

I ignored them standing back but the se Yurika in front of me is this the power of Tsukimura clan or Yurika?

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