What Makes The Heart Melt

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Spring. The season of renewal. The season of a new life, of birth.

Today was just like any other wonderful spring day Edward has had in his many long years of service. He had found many types of magic in all the seasons, and each one had something to it that made him appreciate the world a little more. He and Henry in particular loved to visit the forests together during spring.

On this particular morning he was going to pull coaches to his line. As of now, he was waiting at Naphard station alongside Gordon, waiting for all their passengers to arrive.

"Isn't it a splendid morning Gordon?" Edward wheeshed pleasantly.

Gordon was feeling a little grumpy. "It would be Edward, if someone wasn't so late with my coaches!" Gordon looked behind him. Thomas was shunting the long rake of coaches behind him.

"I'm not late, Gordon! Besides, half of the regulars haven't even arrived yet."

Gordon snorted. "Still, there's no excuses for making me wait!"

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Someone got out of the wrong side of the birth." He puffed away quickly to start his own branchline duties.

Gordon began to complain about his workload that day to Edward. "Sir Topham Hat wants me to pull a train of coal cars! How undignified is that!" Let me tell you-"

But Edward wasn't paying attention to Gordon, instead he was watching the different people board his coaches. An old man and his grandson, a family of three, a loving couple, schoolchildren, the regulars off to work wherever their final destination was. Edward then saw a relatively young couple walk onto the platform. The man had brown eyes while the women had blue eyes. She was cradling something small in her hands. Very small. Edward gasped, and began to smile.

"Is that your newborn?"

The couple looked at the aged locomotive. "Indeed he is." The woman said, the man walking up to Edward.

"My wife here had just been discharged from the hospital a few days ago." The mom came up next to her husband.

Gordon was still complaining. "And then I have to- Edward, are you listening?"

Indeed, Edward was not. He was instead talking about the baby with the parents. "Was it a smooth delivery?" He glanced at the baby, then at the wife.

She nodded. "Oh yes. A natural, comfortable one. Well, as comfortable as delivering a child is." She and Edward shared a small chuckle, Edward getting a little excited.

"We're finally coming home." The woman sighed happily, the husband looking down at their baby together.

Then Edward had an idea. He wanted to see the newborn too, but was a little anxious to ask. He smiled small, glancing at the child gently.

"Can I look at him?"

This made the couple very surprised. They glanced at each other, then at Edward.

Then the man smiled at him. "Of course."

The woman walked over to Edward so he could get a good look. The baby had his eyes closed, beginning to wake up from a nap.

Edward grinned sweetly, eyes focusing on the child. "What's his name?"

"His name is Jacob."

The child slowly opened his eyes, revealing his greenish hazel eyes. Edward gasped lightly as his smile grew wider, and his fondness grew bigger.

He spoke in a gentle voice. "Well hello little one. You have very pretty eyes."

Edward's eyes were wide with wonder.

Jacob stared at him back, also highly curious and filled with wonder. Then he smiled at Edward, and cooed happily.

Edward's face lit up at the happy baby, and his eyes seemed to sparkle. He gasped again, happily. "You look very happy to see me Jacob. I'm Edward."

The little newborn reached a hand out to the engine, and rested it onto his footplate.

Edward gasped a third time, and couldn't help but let out a little squee at how his heart fluttered in that moment. Little Jacob babbled a little, like he was talking to Edward. Edward couldn't take the cuteness overload.


Gordon finally noticed what Edward was acting all mushy about. It looked like Edward wore an expression a girl in an anime would have after seeing something cute.

Gordon didn't understand this. "Why are you gushing about?'

"He has his hand on my footplate!" Edward said almost breathlessly, still in awe and aww about it. His eyes sparkled, and a large half moon was strewn across his face. "He's sooo cute.."

The wedded couple simply smiled sweetly at each other, also thinking the same. Little Jacob removed his hand and babbled to his mom.

His mom smiled brightly. "Yes sweetie, he's a steam engine. He'll be taking us home this morning."

Edward couldn't feel more proud than this.

"Your Mommy's right Jacob. I can take you anywhere you want to."

Edward then had another idea. He closed his eyes, then when he opened them, he gently said, "Peek-a-boo!"

The child smiled, and began to giggle. Edward played with the baby a few more times, eventually having to laugh with little Jacob. He said another aww at the baby's laugh.

Finally Edward noted the time, and sighed. "I'd hate to end it, but you two should get on. I'm going to be leaving in a few minutes."

The man agreed, him and his wife took a step away. "Alright. I guess we should then."

Edward assured them. "And don't worry, I'll go gently and smoothly for you both- and little Jacob~"

Jacob let out a little snicker, and the woman smiled. "You are a very kind and gentle engine. Thank you."

"No, thank you. After all, what's more wonderful than the gift of life?"

She giggled silently, and nodded. The baby stared at Edward as they walked over to the coaches, and babbled at the old engine as a goodbye.

Edward giggled lightly. "Bye-bye little one."

The passengers got on board and closed the doors. The conductor checked everything to make sure it was fine.

Gordon spoke to Edward, unamused. "I'll never understand why you think it's so amazing. It's just a child Edward, nothing much to it."

Edward's grin refused to leave his lips.

"You just don't understand Gordon. It's just a beautiful thing."

The guard's whistle blew, and Edward whistled back, pleasant as could be.

For the rest of the day, Edward was really happy. He admired all seasons, and each one has something special to offer him. For spring, it was the beginning of new life. And he admired that.

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