~Chapter 9~ Larvis know's

Start from the beginning

"Why did you keep this photo?, it brings back to many memories." Travis sighed picking up the framed photo.

"I kept it because it's special to me, why wouldn't i?."

"I don't know! i must of figured you thrown it out by now, or at least burn it."

"Travis i would never throw something out that important!, plus mom has the same copy in her photo album." You smiled.

Travis rolled his eyes. "Figures,...speaking of auntie. Should we tell her?."

You narrowed your eye's. "Tell her what Trev?."

"The pregnancy (l/n), pay attention dude." Larry said randomly breathing out the rest of his cigarette smoke from his lips.

You gulped slightly, the feeling of your heartbeat quickens. The thought about telling your mom about the pregnancy made you feel uneasy an wheezy, you were afraid she was gonna kick you out or even worse...get rid of it. You took a deep breath before speaking.

"Uhhh,...y-yeah sure. I'll tell her tonight."

Travis's eyes squinted like he didn't believe a word what you said, he stood up from the seat making the desk chair roll 3 inches away from him. The look on his face seemed like anger but it also very calm. His lips parted as he begin to speak but was interrupted by the sound of my door being forced open, Ashely an maple entered my room with a big bowl of popcorn and drinks in hand giving us the biggest grins on there faces.

"Movie time!!!, get your ass's downstairs!." Ash yelled.

"Damn it ash! no need to yell, we're all in the same room!." Travis yelled back rubbing his ear like it just popped.

Ashley rolled her eye's. "Yeah yeah now come on! we're watching dawn of the dead!." She smirked.

You gulped. "A-...a zombie film!?,...why?."

"Yup! maple picked it out, don't tell me your scared."

You scuffed. "What No!, I'm not scared of some damn horror movie."

"So you don't mind watching it with us then? in the dark." Larry smirked teasingly.

You gulped. "S-sure why not,...i can handle it."

You heard a snicker coming from behind you seeing Travis laughing loudly, he knows you don't like horror films an could easily Blair out that your a liar. You rolled your eye's placing your hands on your hips.

"Fuck off Travis! stop your laughing before i punch you senseless!."

"Ohhh so sorry (y/n)! but you know damn well you can't handle a horror movie, your terrified of them." 

"Wow thanks Travis, that makes me feel so much better about myself." You grunted.

"Anytime cuz."

Great now everyone's probably judging me or laughing at me, welp....it's time to move again i suppose.

(Y/n)? why didn't you tell us you don't like horror films?." Ash asked.

You shrugged. "Because they give me nightmares!, bad ones that i end up staying up half of the night."

Maple giggled. "That's understandable hun, you don't have to join us if you don't wanna."

"Or we could skip the horror movies an we can do whatever (y/n) wants." Larry suggested.

Larry's suggest was kinda nice but the look on Ashely an maple's face looked kinda down, i didn't want to ruin there movie night so i guess i should just suck it up for at least this once. God knows I'm gonna retreat this shit!.

"No....it's fine, we can watch the movie."

Travis's eyes widen. "Are you sure (y/n)?, you think you can handle it?."

"I'll be fine honest, let's just have fun an watch the movie yeah?." You smiled.

"HELL YESSS!!!, let's go!!!." Ashely yelled excitedly grabbing into her girlfriends wrist tightly running down the hall in a speedy quick motion.

You could hear the laughter of maple trying her best to keep her feet up without tripping along side her.

"Ash be careful!, your gonna make maple trip!." Larry yelled out following close by.

You giggled slightly making your way down as well, Travis on the other hand grabbed you by your shoulder giving you a slight worried look.

"(Y/n)? are you sure you can handle a horror movie?, i know how you get." Travis asked.

"Travis for the hundreds time, i'll be alright. Now come on."

You grabbed Travis's hand making your way down the stairs in a hurry hopping nobody takes your lucky spot.

                              Time Skip

The night went on watching movies an eating popcorn, along with some cuddles from your cat mango. She adored everyone in the room but she loved Travis more then anything, don't know why though. Travis smiled as he gently scratches mango slightly under her chin making her purr loudly licking his hand in return.

After a couple hours Ashely an maple has  passed out on the couch holding each other in embarrass an as for Larry an Travis they ended up falling asleep as well with mango spread out onto there lap. You smiled thinking this would be the perfect shot to take, you grabbed your phone from your pocket as you flipped it opened opening the camera settings. You quickly took the picture looking down at it slightly, you did have the best life an friends you could ever ask for an nothing would ever change that. As you were about to place your phone down you heard a slight ding, you opened your messages seeing a random number you opened it reading it instantly.

                        -Unknown number-

"Hey (y/n) it's Sal,...are you up?."
{message sent at 4:30Am}

Oh boy.......

End of chapter 9!!! So sorry it was kinda short but I promise next chapter will be a little long but with more excitement!! Pool party!! Stay tuned for {chapter 10: get together} have a nice day/evening/morning<3

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