Caleb Quinn Headcanons

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Caleb got the long scar on his face from a prison riot from his time in Hellshire Penitentiary. 

If it weren't for Henry, Caleb most likely would have gone on to be a successful engineer.

Caleb once had a Buckskin horse named Louise. Ever since she died in 1901, he hasn't ridden a horse since.

Caleb prefers chewing tobacco to smoking tobacco, but he's not that particularly picky.

Even though he doesnt let it on, he really likes Sikka’s company.

Caleb really doesn't like the Dredge for what it did to Jeffery’s horse, Maurice.

His leg brace makes a creaking noise. It drives Caleb nuts and he's trying to make it stop, but nothing he does works, but he really doesn't want to ask anyone for help.

Caleb finds himself in an Odd friendship with Alastor. Though, he is wary of the Radio demon, and has contingency plans just in case the demon decides to betray him one day.

Caleb still keeps a horseshoe belonging to Louise to this day. He only looks at it in private.

Want to piss off Caleb? Talk about Henry in a positive light, that will do the trick.

Louise visits Caleb as a Star Clan member, while he sleeps. She just doesn't know how to enter his dreams yet. She thinks either the Entity or Freddy are keeping her out.

Gold Creek Whiskey is his favorite drink, and was relieved when he heard the company was up and operational still.

Caleb is very protective of what he sees as his group. His group is as follows: Rosie, Holly, Alastor, Oliva (191), Louise, Maurice, any young child in general, the other killers (excluding Dredge, Myers, Freddy, and Elliot.)

Caleb moved to the Arizona Territory from South Dakota when he was young. He finished Elementary in South Dakota, and Middle and High School in the Arizona Territory, and then University in Utah.

Random Things that I think about 7.5Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant