A Ball of Beauty and Revelations

Start from the beginning

"My brother?" Everly glanced around the room as if looking for him. "Knowing Don, he's likely up to something he shouldn't."

"Is he even at the ball?"

"Oh, he's here alright. Father made him come and he won't disobey when it comes to." Everly sniffed a glass of wine before putting it down, disgusted, the liquid splashing all over her feet. "What was that for?" Reyna hissed. 

"It didn't smell quite right. There's always people trying to kill us - sneaking in and poisoning a few glasses. Or sometimes it's just some despicable substance that will make you brain dead for a few hours. No thanks." Reyna considered this - a life living in the spotlight when people will always be trying to kill you. Unsettling but was it worth the price? Beauty, love and admiration. To never want for anything. 

"So?" Reyna persisted. "How do I get his attention?"

Everly stared at her for a beat too long and she soon realised the girl had no ideas. The Princess looked around as if trying to conjure a solution when she beamed, speeding into the crowd. Reyna stayed put, flabbergasted, wondering if her new friend was planning on returning or had gotten bored of her. A second later, she caught sight of Everly arm in arm with a man with dark eyes and black hair - wait. Fabian. He looked up, meeting her eyes before flashing her a grin. Reyna looked away, still wary of him. She focused on Everly instead who was laughing at something Fabian had said while approaching Reyna.

"Rain, this is my brother's dearest friend Fabian. Fab, this is Reyna-"

"Oh, we've met. Haven't we, Reyna?"

Reyna flushed, embarrassed that Fabian had had to save her to get out of the situation. It had made her feel weak, needy, everything she didn't wish to be. "Yes." Reyna mumbled. "He stepped in when I um - was trying to get into the Ball." Fabian's eyes lit up with amusement and Everly glanced between them. "Oh! Sounds like quite a story. Do tell." 

"I went to the back entrance to take a breather," Fabian began. "And a girl was, well, sneaking in, shall we say? About to be kicked out. Well, I thought, I do so little good deeds I can do this. I told the Guard she was with me and he backed off. And then - she didn't even thank me. I was quite hurt, you see." 

"If this is your way of asking me for a thanks I'm not giving you one." Reyna retorted. She reckoned that Fabian had only helped her because she was beautiful - if she was still her old ugly self he likely would have delighted at her humiliation. 

"Of course." He replied. "You're so above me, after all. So noble." Fabian extended a hand, waiting for her to take it. Reyna's eyes cut to Everly's. "Go on." She urged. "Donovan will notice if you dance with his best friend. He always wants what others have." 

Reluctantly, Reyna took Fabian's hand. His palm was warm, soft as he led her to the dance floor. Guests gave them curious glances as they passed and she did her best to ignore them. "I don't know how to dance." She whispered as they took their places. She was sure her heart was going to beat out of her chest. "Just follow me and you'll be fine." Reyna didn't know if she believed him but knew she didn't have a choice. It was too late to back out now.  He laid his hand on the small of her back as her hands entwined around his neck. It was so intimate a thing Reyna couldn't help the slight blush that rose to her cheeks. She'd never experienced romance - not even hand holding. She was relying on her looks and not her love poetry reciting to win Donovan's heart. 

The music began to play and it was slow, soft, and Reyna instantly relaxed. It was just a few steps forward, to the right and she settled with ease. She looked towards Everly who watched her raptly, beside Gladys. She craned her head to look up at Fabian who was looking at Everly - his expression one of pain that caused her to feel confused as if she'd missed something. He noticed her looking and his expression neutralised. He must have been about six foot while Reyna was only five and a half foot herself. "So, Donovan will notice me?" She looked into the crowd, wondering if she may spot him. "Definitely."

"I would have thought he'd make himself more obvious tonight." Reyna prodded.

"His method was to be more in the shadows, talking to girls who stood out to him, them not knowing who he was before handing them a slip saying they're in and where they'll be sleeping. Otherwise he would have been surrounded all night."

Reyna was disappointed Donovan hadn't come to talk to her but she knew there were a lot of girls here so didn't take it personally. "You're close friends then?"

"Since childhood." Fabian's lips quirked. "Are you interrogating me?" He asked playfully, spinning her around. "Maybe?"

"Maybe? It's my turn to ask a few questions."

"Is it now? What if I don't answer?" 

He shrugged. "Then you'll miss out on my excellent conversational skills." Despite herself, Reyna felt a small smile form on her face. "What's your favourite colour?"

"That's what you want to ask me? Out of everything?" She was almost expecting him to say he was joking but all he said was "yes."

"Then my favourite colour is green. The green of forests and trees." She replied. 

"Have you ever been in love?"


"Do you want to be?"

Reyna considered him. Was he trying to lead her into a trap? If she said no, he might think she was unfit for Donovan. If she said yes it would be weakness, sacrificing her pride and coolness. If she was being honest, she wanted love with a burning passion. To be with someone who cared for not what she looked like but who she truly was. Someone who loved her, the good and the ugly. The kind of love people would kill for, all consuming. "Perhaps." She answered eventually. "I think I'd find it difficult to be vulnerable with another person." She admitted. "Have you been in love?"

Fabian hesitated. "I've been in love many a time. With very interesting girls I meet in the City or the ones who sneak into balls..."

"Shut up." Reyna quipped. "You know what I meant."

"Who's to say one type of love is more valid than another?" He replied, causing Reyna to mutter something unladylike under her breath like stupid prick.

"You wound me." Fabian replied, pressing a hand to his heart in mock pain. 

Before she knew it the dance was over and she rushed over to Everly, trying her best not to trip. "You two looked cosy." The Princess cooed. Gladys looked as if she agreed with that statement. Reyna scoffed. "We weren't, I assure you. Now, what do I do?" Everly pointed to a dark corner of the room. "Go brood over there." 'Over there' was a lonely food table, devoid of everyone. The perfect place for the Prince to approach her. "Go on." Everly urged  and Reyna gave in, leaning against the wall while sipping some ice cold lemon water. She watched the party go by, watching how others interacted while being on alert. It was interesting really, how other people's faces revealed everything they were thinking. She'd always found that fascinating since she was a young girl.

At the sound of feet making their way towards her, Reyna looked up to see a Butler and no Prince which made her heart sink. he approached her and slipped a card into her palm.  Momentarily surprised, she watched him leave with her mouth hanging open. After processing what had just happened she opened the card, hope filling her. 

She grinned when she saw the gold emblazoned writing : You have been accepted for the Prince's Hand. Your room is in the east wing, fourth bedroom down. At the bottom of the paper was Donovan's initials in a messy scrawl and handwriting that definitely wasn't there originally. I'll meet you tonight in your room. -D.

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