Team chaotix take away

Start from the beginning

"So Espio are you gonna start calling me dad again?" Kai asked with a smirk as he looked in the rearview mirror, espio didn't answer him he just sat there rocking the sleeping bee "Espio answer me when i'm talking to you!" Kai shouted as Espio looked at him "my spirit is much harder for you to beak" espio said in a cold voice as he hung on to charmy kai just grumbled to himself before he parked the car.

"Where home" kai laughed with a evil grin espio held charmy with one hand and carried his and charmy's bags as they walked into the house "have a good sleep you'll need all the rest you can get" kai growled espio walked up stairs into his old bedroom with his bed slightly lifted off the floor and a small blanket espio placed charmy on the bed took off his shoes before crawling in the bed next to charmy holding him close as a quiet sob left his lips as he shut his eyes tight as tears left his eyes

–1 Week Later–

Espio and charmy were still asleep on the bed. Espio was still holding Charmy in his arms when Kai stormed in "wake up you runts!" Kai yelled as he bursted into the room Charmy and Espio where both startled awake "hu wha?" charmy said groggily "it's time to get up, we're going somewhere!" Kai shouted, "what where are we going?" espio asked sitting up "dont fucking worry about, just hurry the hell up!" charmy looked at espio with a worried expression "charmy just get ready" espio said quietly "ok" charmy sighed "Espio a word?" Kai said waving espio over espio looked back at charmy before getting up and walking out the door "what do you want Kai?" espio asked before getting smacked to the floor with one swift hit "you and that damn bee will call me father or dad, and nothing else!" Kai shouted while glaring down at espio "yes father" espio said standing up and rubbing his face "now get up and get ready, you have 5 minutes" kai said before walking away.

Espio returned to the bedroom to get Charmy, but charmy was already up, nervously pacing around the room.

"Espio, what's going on?" charmy asked nervously, "I don't know, but we have to get ready, Kai said we have 5 minutes," Espio said, walking into the bathroom "where are we going?" charmy asked, following espio "I don't know, but I think we better hurry" Espio said as he grabbed a rag and ran it under cold water before bringing it up to his sore face as he winced in pain "espio what happened to your face!" charmy yelled flying up to espios face to get a better look Espio sighed "Kai smacked me" "he just hit you why?" Charmy asked in disbelief "he got mad I called him kai instead of "dad" espio said, hanging his head in shame "HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Kai yelled honking the car horn "stay by my side charmy" espio said holding charmy's hand "ok espio" charmy stuttered

(Down town)

"I told you I didn't do anything!" Vector groaned while rolling his eyes "lies we have several people showing that these two kids have left with scrapes and bruises!" one of the interrogators yelled, slamming photos of charmy and espio fighting with villains and then somewhere they were all playing fighting "these photos were taken out of context!" Vector yelled "I would never do anything to hurt them" "well until we get evidence that you are innocent you will be locked up" an officer said taking vector into his cell "well look who it is!" a voice called out vector turned around to see two "villains" "hey Scratch and Grounder" Vector groaned while rolling his eyes "hey there gator >:["  Scratch said glaring at Vector "where you two just waiting in the shadows?" vector asked with a blank expression "that's none of your business gator!" Grounder yelled rolling near Vector "what are you doing in jail anyway?" "uhh thats a long story"

(little while later)

"MR.Vector you have some visitors!" police man yelled as they excorted vector out of his cell "Vector!" Espio and Charmy yelled as they saw him "w-what, Charmy, Espio what are you two doing here" Vector suttered while looking at the two in shock

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