Chap 8 Came home to more drama

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Y/n:... I see. I wanna conclude something, but I won't because I don't want to believe what I think might have happened.

Tae: Will you look for her by yourself? What if they... hurt you to-

Y/n: What do you mean me to?

Tae got quiet and looked down again.
You made your way towards him as he began tremble and cry about to comfort him but stopped as you remembered how he would feel uncomfortable in your presence sometimes.

Y/n: I'll be back. Just stay here okay don't leave the house. Are you tired?

Tae: Yes, can I sleep somewhere please? Is their a way I can sleep near yuno? I don't want to be alone.

Y/n: He's already asleep, but I'll bring him up here so yall can both lay in the spare bedroom until I come back. All right.

Y/n teleported through a mirror she had placed in a bathroom and walked into her room where yuno and lily slept. She gently separated lily and yuno as she tucked lily back in her bed and brought yuno back near tae. She would have brought yuno up, but she didn't know how tae would react, so she didn't take her chance.

Tae: Um t-thank you... I'm sorry. It's just...

Y/n: Don't force yourself. I'll be back later, so go to sleep. I'll do my best to find the lady okay, and I'll deal with liliana and confront the chief. 

Y/n closed the door to the bedroom looking at the boys, then slightly smiled as she then existed the house, sniffing the air to make sure their were no demons nearby. Well their was one, and it was liliana still shouting.

Y/n: Can you shut the hell up damn why are you loud it's night you wanna lure more demons here.

Liliana: Ugh, why are you here? I'm looking for tae. I need to take him home.

Y/n: So he lives with you?

Liliana: No, but I'd figure I'd be nice and bring him home with his family looking for him. Do you know where he is?

Y/n: I saw him run back towards the top of the village where the chief building is located. He seemed afraid, "Do you know anything about that? I'm sure you don't mind if I make sure he got their okay.

Liliana: Afraid why he's just a boy, what does he need to be afraid of hmm? Oh! Your going to walk me home. How nice of you finally realizing who's presence makes a difference.

Y/n: I'm here for tae no one else. You have two perfectly walkable feet, so walk your damn self. Your presence is irrelevant anyways. I'm surprised a demon hasn't snatched you up yet, then again, look at you.

Liliana: How DARE YOU! You know I can purchase this house of yours and leave you homeless living in the streets in filth. I bet no man would want you.

Y/n: Buying this house wouldn't benefit you at all since it's this far away from where you live and what does a man has to do with this? Come on, chop chop, lead the way, Missy.

Liliana: Me? You're the one who should be walking me-

Y/n: Lead the damn way or stay here and die from a demon.

Lilana furiously stomped forward, muttering how this is the fault while y/n just observed her from afar following staying on guard watching for any demons.

Meanwhile, with Upper 4s

Urogi: Found him he just scarring a demon slayer

Sekido: Good, we're coming!

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