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"Steve, if you use my hairspray one more time, I'm going to shave your head! I swear to God, I'll make you a bald monster!" Lucy kicked open her brother's door, chucking the empty can across his bedroom and hitting him squarely on the back. He spun around, looking ridiculous standing in only his boxers and socks.

"Ow! Jesus, Lucy, what's your problem today?"

"You, asshole!" She slammed the door and stormed away down the hall, pulling at her skirt in annoyance. Alyssa McDonald had suggested they wear their cheer uniforms to school for the first game of the season. And everyone agreed that it would be just adorable. It wasn't even a home game, for crying out loud. Lucy clenched her fists tightly, trying to breathe through the bitter aggravation swirling in her chest. Geez, was her period on the way? She felt like she could punch through a wall. She counted to ten over and over as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, reeling in her temper tantrum with difficulty. "Good morning."

Jared Harrington gave a noncommittal grunt in response, his head buried in the paper as he sat at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee. Lucy rolled her eyes, crossing to the pantry and making no further effort to engage her father in conversation. There was no point. She was just about to open her strawberry pop-tart when Heather Harrington breezed into the room with a large smile that faltered as she looked at her daughter.

"Sweetheart, what are you eating?" She didn't even let Lucy respond before she continued, crossing the room quickly and taking the food from her hands. "I thought we talked about not eating junk food for breakfast. Why don't you leave those for Steve? I'll make you a smoothie."
By smoothie she meant a blend of spinach, ginger, and apple juice that created a watery and bitter drink. She had one of her mom's smoothies whenever she was unable to escape eating breakfast at all. It was Heather's way of trying to keep Lucy at what she called 'flyer weight'.

"Nobody's going to want to throw you into the air if you weigh more than a baby cow."

Lucy shook her head, forcing a small smile. "I'll just get a banana at school."

"Alright, but be careful with fruits like that. There's a lot of sugar there. Best not to eat those everyday."

She sighed. "I know, mom." She grabbed her backpack from the bar stool where she'd left it, ready to get the hell out of there. "I'll see you later tonight."

"Oh, Lucille, about the game tonight," she turned, some part of her brain waiting for those two words that she knew were never coming, "remember what we talked about with your back handspring! You need to keep your abs tight or you'll start to look flimsy. Your core is the key to everything in cheer and I really feel like you've been slacking off on your exercises. I've noticed a difference and I'm sure the team has too. Let's be more attentive to that, okay? You don't want to let anyone down."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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