Chapter 1: The Meeting of The Campers.

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Heyyy this is my second book! The other one is discontinued because I lost motivation for that book but this one I have a lot of motivation! I'm very excited to make this book and I hope my motivation stays till the ending of the Book! Now none of these characters are mine like Darius, Kenji, Brooklyn, Yazmina, Sammy, Ben, Roxie, And Dave all belong to Netflix from a series called Camp Cretatious! Now let's begin the first Chapter!


was impatiently waiting sitting on the steps for the boat with the other campers to arrive she was a experiement in Dr. Wu's lab and was now the same age to a girl named Yazmina she sat there tapping her foot her eyesight was way better then human eyesight. In Dr. Wu's lab they combined the Raptor's DNA  with her's and she turned into this ugly creature she didn't have a tail nor did she have feet and claws like a raptor but pupils and increased eyesight like a Raptor and had a few scales underneath her eyes and her neck. She sighed bored of waiting till she saw a boat in the distance she stood up leaning on the railing of the stairs frowning.

"Hello Y

!!" Said Dave as he walked over to Y

and gave her a hug. The other campers and Roxie came off of the boat Roxie came over to Y

and smiled.

"How are you doing Y

?" Roxie asked all Y

did was give a small nod and a toothy grin Y

also apparently had a fangs from this testing she had done on her. The other campers came over to Y

and studied her until one camper spoke up it was a girl with pink hair.

"Why do you look like that? Not to be rude or anything!" The pink haired girl added quickly. She looked at her feet ashamed of her sudden comment.

"Hey it's ok! I uh.. I look like this because.. uh.." Y

stammered not sure what to say so she looked at Dave and Roxie for some help Y

didn't feel like telling them because she just met them and doesn't trust them.

"Alright campers lets get you 7 out of her and to the camp or the tree house!" Dave exclaimed excitedly.

The weird quite kid spoke up "Theres actually uh six of us.." He replied back

Dave thought for a while "Dino nerd, superstar, track girl, farm gir, barfy, and reptile kid.. He's right theres only six of them where's 7th?" Dave asked confused Y

frowned and did a dinosaur like grunt then all of the sudden a huge helicopter came out of the sky making everyone hold on to the things they need once the helicopter landed the driver exited the car and opened the door for this kid he looks 18 or 17.

"What is up my dudes! Kenji is here so let the party commense!" Kenji said throwing the bag at Y

she caught it and stumbled "Bring that to my bunk will ya?" Kenji demanded I did a low growl when he turned his back I threw the bag at him so he fell over with his bag on top of him. The pink haired girl took a picture of this.

"So are we going now?" Y

asked impatiently tapping her foot on the ground frowing. Dave frowned then nodded at Roxie and they did a quick introduction on what we will be doing. After that was done we went into the back of the truck. Y

waited till all of the campers where in and situatied until she then climbed in at the end resting her arm on the gate of the jeep she sighed and watched the trees until suddenly they slammed on their brakes Y

knew what was going on so her head perked up when Roxie and Dave left the car Y

followed on the oppisite side of the car.


.. What was it?" Roxie asked hoping it wasn't something dangerous that would put the kids in danger.

"It was a Compi that's it" Y

instantly crouched down ignoring the other campers she smelled the air then made a high pitch squeking sound sounding like a Compi all of the sudden she heard this through her mind 'The human! I got to get out of here!' The little voice said all of the sudden the Compi jumped out of the bushes and landed on Y

knocking her over it hopped on the gate then off getting caught by Roxie by a blanket and was put in a cat carrier

"Wow a real life Compi I've always wanted to see one in person!" The dino-nerd said excitedly looking through the back window at the little compi.

"Oh come on it took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it nothing cool!" Kenji said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Scared you pretty good." Y

smirked at Kenji leaving him speechless and the pink haired girl took a picture of him.

Once Y

was buckled in and she closed the gate the pink haired girl started recording.

"Alright everybody time to introduce yourself to the Brooklanders! tell us your name and a little about yourself! and... action!" The pink haired girl started recording herself first after she was done recording herself Y

learned that her name was Brooklyn. Brooklyn pointed the phone at Y


"Oh uhm.. Hi! Im Y

! I uh grew up here and uhm have a strong connection with dinosaurs.. I guess?" After everyone was done introducing themselves she learned their names, Darius, Brooklyn, Kenji, Yazmina, Ben, and Sammy. They suddenly stopped and pulled up to the biggest campsight ever. Though Y

wasn't very interested in the camp.

Hey guys so that was my first chapter done I might be able to do another Chapter tomorrow after my school and volleyball practice! I'm so happy I was able to make this story it took so long for this chapter already and this is just adding to the words so I'll just count the story not this! If you are reading this Chapter thanks for helping! Love you all!

(Word count: 986)


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