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"With everything", Thomas simply replies as his heart pumps with pure love, "The whole fucking thing Ellie; Life, business, everything - like we always talked about."

With loving eyes Elizabeth look at her Tommy, her heart radiating with a warm happiness. Memories of the two of them in the exact spot they lay in that morning over a decade ago flood her head; The two young and in love selves talking about the future and the beautiful life they plan to live together, as if there were no other possible option. How was it that she found herself with the man she thought she'd never see again?

"You came back to me", Thomas continues to speak from the heart as he gently moves her golden locks from her face and behind her ear, "I don't think I— I know I can't do it, any of it, without you. I can't loose you again."

Before she could muster up a response, the feeling of his lips on hers whisk away any and all thoughts she had; Her hand moving to gently hold his cheek as he pulls her body under the sheets close to his. The passionate kiss they shared seemingly speaking Yes Tommy, I will.

After relishing in a few more quiet moments of each other, the day had to be started at some point, despite both lovers wanting to stay in each others arms forever. But like everything else that is good in the world, it too must come to an end eventually.

With a sweet kiss Elizabeth waves off her ocean eyed boy as he walks out of her home and down Watery Lane with just a fresh cigarette as his breakfast.

     As she hug tighter her robe against her still unclothed body beneath, she watch as the man she loves walks further away until out of sight; Unbeknownst to her, another pair of eyes watch her in return as she closes her door.


"Have you heard word from Ada yet?", Polly asks as she sets a cup of tea down in front of the golden haired girl who is sat at the kitchen table in the Shelby home, just outside the doors of the shop.

"She said she'll think about it", she answers truthfully as she bounces her leg out of nerve. Although she be a full grown adult, she knew well the individual request by her aunt could only be either good or bad, no room for anything in-between.

As Polly Gray sit down in the empty chair beside with a matching cup of tea, she looks at the Alder girl with heavy eyes which were notably not met with the hazel ones as they continue to stare down at the table below in silence.

"I saw the smile today", she finally speaks as she turns the teaspoon around in her cup.

A well confused Elizabeth furrow her brow as she looks up at her aunt who was already looking back at her. "Lord knows that boy loves you but Jesus, its been so long I didn't think I'd live to see it again."

"Whatever you're thinking Pol, it's not-", "I know the smile of love Liz, and it was on your Tommy's face this morning."

Not knowing what to say, the girl remain silent as her aunt keeps her strong dark eyes on her, "He hasn't been here to sleep for weeks", she points out and the air in Elizabeth's lungs suddenly become heavy, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would you?"

Whether the Alder girl answered or not, Polly already knew, and something inside Elizabeth told her that she knew as well. With a deep breath she finally speaks up, "Yeah", is all she manages to say through her angst.

"Yeah what?", Polly taunts, "I'm no mind reader now."

A scoff is what Elizabeth would have let out, but she knew well enough not to knowing her aunt would simply throw her in the cutter. She didn't even want to think of a snarky remark because she honestly wasn't sure if the woman beside her could read minds or not, but she sure didn't feel like risking it.

𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚  ▻ 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘚𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘣𝘺 [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz