Chapter One

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Note; hope you enjoy! Og:


"Papa, Papa, are we there yet?" Ella asked excitedly.

"Not yet darling" Ernie said affectionately to his daughter. "We will be there in just under an hour."

The two of them (plus the imperial staff of course) were on a train to Skierniewice Poland to finish off their autumn holiday with their Romanov cousins.

Before they left Wolfsgarten, little Elisabeth was begging her Uncle Nicky to let his daughters ride in her train, but Nicky held a firm no.

Not a second went by without Ella asking if they were there yet.

"Why didn't Uncle Nicky and Aunt Alix let Olga and Tatiana ride with us?" Ella asked her father.

"Because they didn't want the staff's ears to blow off hearing three little girlies talk talk talk away." Ernie said sarcastically.

"But father, I'm sure we wouldn't be that loud!" The little eight year old still didn't understand her father's silly jokes.

"Come here Ella." The two embraced in a tight hug.

"I'm sure next time, when you're a little bit older, your uncle will let you three ride together."

If there would even be a next time.

"Look Papa I see Olga!" Ella screamed.

Their train was just coming to a halt at the train station. Nicky and Alix got there before Ella and Ernie so they were already on the platform.

Ella ran to the door from her spot at the window and was trying so hard to open the locked door.

She was desperate to see her cousins.

"That door is locked Princess" one of the footman said to her.

"Why would they keep it locked if my cousins are out there and I am in here?" Ella asked.

The footman chuckled.

"Well we wouldn't want you falling out would we." He managed to get a little smile out of the Princess.

Ernie walked over to the two along with Ella's nanny Miss Wilson.

"Ella I'm sure if you asked nicely then he would kindly open the door for you" Miss. W said with a smile.

Ella gave her nanny a funny look, and then gave the same look to her amused father.

"Mr. Footman would you please open the door for me so I could see my cousins?" Ella asked.

"Of course Princess." The footman said with an smile.

He unlocked the door gently and let the little one through.

"OLGA TATIANA!" Ella yelled happily as she scampered off of the train.

"She really is what people call her, 'Princess Sunshine.' The footman said kindly to Ernie.

"Yes she really is."

Ernie and Miss. W stepped off of the train to go reel in the little Princess who was already smothering her cousins with hugs

"ELLA!!" Olga and Tatiana yelled as they ran to see their cousin.

The three girls hugged each other like they never hugged before, even when just days ago they were playing in Ella's playhouse together.

"Olya make woom fow me" little Maria said as she smushed into the hug.

"Ernie, our girls are practically like sisters!" Nicky exclaimed as he walked over to him.

"Nicky don't give them any ideas" Alix laughed. "Ernie, I hope your train was well."

"Oh Alix it was splendid!" The two hugged.

When the little children stopped hugging, Ella asked "where is my Tiny Cousin?"

Ella noticed that her Auntie Alix wasn't holding little Anastasia so she was worried. In Ella's eyes, their little group wasn't complete without little Anastasie.

"Ella come, she is with Miss Eagar" Tatiana said as she led Ella to where they were sitting.

"Tiny Cousin!" Ella exclaimed happily!

Miss Eagar let the little two year old run to her cousin.

"Ewwa!" Little Anastasia said as she ran to her cousin.

Tatiana motioned Olga and Maria to come over, and before anyone knew it, the girls were back to their usual talk about castles and fairies.


The little girlies and their nannies rode in a carriage to Skierniewice while Ernie Nicky and Alix rode in a seperate one.

The girls couldn't stop talking to each other, as always.

"Ella we prepared a nice little room for you next to ours" Olga stated. "We put nice little things in there for you"

"I put in a dolly!" Maria said proudly.

"Mama hung up some of the drawings we did in Wolfsgarten too!" Tatiana shouted.

"I brought some things for you guys too!" Ella said gleefully.

Ella was thinking about her little box full of treasures that she brought for Tatiana. They were going to have so much fun with it!

Little Anastasia was struggling to keep up with the other girls obsessive chatter.

"ELLA...." She yelled and everyone paused to hear her

"I....I..I love pwaying togever." The little one said with a smirk.

"Oh Tiny Cousin" Ella got up from her seat with the older girls and joined Anastasia. "There will be plenty of time for us to play together."

Ella hugged the little one.

"Maybe even at night time." Ella whispered sneakily which made Anastasia laugh.

Miss. W managed to hear the little whisper and gave Ella one of those looks that immediately made her shut up.

"We aren't going to do anything naughty Miss. W, right guys?"

Olga and Tatiana looked confused but nodded silently.

"But Ella, Papa said that it was okay to be naughty sometimes!" Maria shouted.

Olga elbowed her little sister in the ribs.

That was when Miss. Eagar intervened.

"Oh Maria don't you worry, you can always be silly but not naughty. Bad things happen when we are naughty."

"Okay" Maria said solemnly.

"But we are allowed to have fun right?" Tatiana asked?

"Of course my darling." Miss Eagar said. "Have as much fun as you want."

The girls all looked at each other and laughed hysterically for absolutely no reason at all, just to have fun.

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