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5 years forward...

I was 5 years when Vezzyth told me I should call her my mother (it's weird she has to tell me this, bc I assume if I didn't shift here to call her that all the time, but I didn't and she thinks it's strange). So I started calling her that..

Vezzyth: Did u know I can teach u magic, especially ice and thievery.
Ezekiel (She named me that): Oh and how do I learn it?.
She breathed at me with her icy damn breath (it didn't stink, it smelled like snow fr) "Well whenever I breath it will make u immune to cold.. But it will make u sterile since ur body isn't build for that, also it will lower ur body temperature to be pleasant cold", I kinda blinked and shifted my weight on my side "Okay.. So where should I start?". Vezzyth raised her eyebrow at me, she's fk 7 feet tall 💀 looming over 5yr old boy rn imagine how I felt 😭 "Hmm how is this.. How u can comprehend what I'm saying, even tho ur just a small rascal..". She inspected me for a moment and waved her arm in the air "I guess ur just smart" (Mhmm.. Smart when I actually shifted lmaoo).

10 years old.
At this age I could steal everything or detect stolen things, Crack "magical" barriers and get inside magically sealed rooms etc. My body is forming lines on it, the more my mother breathes at me, the more they're defined and I Can feel the power of it. Also it got colder, my body's temperature is around 15 celsius (This is hella weird feeling, it's as if u touch cold things it doesn't affect u it just feels warm. But if I touch something hot like a fire or hot pot, my hand doesn't burn it just leaves a mark, but it also makes me nauseous in the summer and hot areas).

15 years old.
At this age my mother let me out the cave to explore shit. I was looking for Geralt, he is my favorite character since I read the books. I kinda made a havoc in one of the city in Cintra. Idk the name I forgot, but I remember I froze a couple of hearts of men because they were r@p1ng someone. The woman was grateful but terrified of my looks, I look like an elf with blue lines on my body and eyes. It always lights up when I use my power or feel "pleasure", white hair, brown skin and muscular physique just like an alien to them. When I did that it caught Geralt's attention and he drew his sword "Hmm..", he looked at me with that thinking and analyzing gaze. I was super friendly and explained it to him "U shouldn't draw so much attention to ur doings kid", I looked down at the ground at the bodies "Ughhh I hate this, could I travel with u?". Geralt again considers this "No", I looked at him in the eyes "Well bad for u I am coming either way so..", He TURNED AROUND AND WALKED AWAY LMAO.

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