They continued on without much more discussion, Kyoshi leading the way. She tried to tune out the conversations following behind her. But then specifically caught her attention.

"She could escape from the spirit world." A lower level called from behind in a hushed tone.

"That's not how it works stupid, only your spirit goes there, your body stays here" Another replied, elbowing him in the ribs causing him to almost fall over.

"How else did you think we were going to get this done?"

She bit her lip uncomfortably at the hushed conversation. It was no secret that some of them did not want her joining because of Yun, they considered him like the founder of all this craziness.

As they set up the camp not too far from the spot Kyoshi took it upon herself to light a small fire when someone hit her shoulder. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He yelled.

Kyoshi stood up now towering over the man. "You really that big of an oaf, we never light fires." He complained. Rangi would have been on his ass so quick it wouldn't even have even been funny, Kyoshi thought to herself.

"There's no one here, and you're technically a guest on spiritual property at the moment so shut it"

"That doesn't mean shit when someone finds us"

"Fine goes freeze in a dark corner of the woods for all I care. But I'm telling you no one is coming," Kyoshi replied, taking a seat. Before making the fire a bit bigger just despite him.

So maybe the lack of food was finally making her cranky, or maybe she was just anxious to see Rangi but some scrawny little earthbender wasn't going to be the reason for her freezing her ass off too.

"Pihow, you're off the list" Narulok called and joined them around the fire. " I was actually being considered?!" He yelled frantically. "Not anymore" Kyoshi guessed the earthbender cared more about what she was doing than he did.

"So have you made your decision yet?" She asked, turning to face Narulok who even in the dark still wore the mask.

"Will a water bender work?"

"It would probably be preferred actually, especially if they have experience with spirit bending." Kyohsi said, now actually thinking more about the logistics of how this was going to work.

"They do actually. Now that you mention it." Narulok replied. "Avatar Kyoshi I'd like for you to meet Wren. Wren, this is Avatar Kyoshi." He introduced.

"A pleasure, I believe I may have helped some of your team before. Some firebenders if I remember correctly" Wren said, shaking Kyoshi's hand. "Oh I can't believe you remember that was a while ago now"

Wren smiled. "I suppose it was"

"I think this will work nicely, and this is just the perfect way for you to reinstate your membership while Kyoshi earns her's." Narulok seemed happy with his choice. "Reinstate, do they expire or something?" Kyoshi asked innocently, hoping she could draw more information.

"No they do not, but running off only to come crawling back later does have its consequences." He replied coldly. Kyoshi looked at the water bender who now wore a deep frown across her features.


"How do we still not know how we're getting there?" Rangi yelled. She was also sort of unraveling too over this little Avatar retrieval mission. "Okay let's just lay it out again" She said, pressing on her temples.

"Pengpeng would be faster, and also quieter. It would be the most effective time wise. We could get there in no time and have time to scope everything out"

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