character sketch

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Sherya Gupta

18 years old girl . Lives in Mumbai. Loves hanging out with friends 😉,

Ritvik Malhotra

20 years old boy . Lives in Delhi. Most of the time he is on his home because he doesn't like hanging out he loves living alone..

18 years old
Sherya best friend

She is also 18 years and sherya best friend

Same here 18 years
Sherya best friend and her sister

These four of them are the bestest friend since junior school.. they are also crime friends 😅...

19 years
Ritvik best friend

20 years
Ritvik best friend

Yehh guys our dark guy has only 2 best friend and they were like soul brother they share everything and these are only with our ritvik spend time or hang out with.... they both are not like ritvik they have their girls ....

Mybe they are going to bacame the reason of someone love story .....

So thank you for reading this ...

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