Chapter 1 - The Beggining

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You couldn't believe it, you were already starting your third year at Hogwarts. It felt like yesterday that the sorting hat barely sorted you into Slytherin, but you found your way back to platform 9 3/4 for another year to start.

You got closer and closer to the train and anxiety started to creep up on you. You stopped walking as soon as you saw it, for some reason you seemed nervous to go back to school this year but there wasn't a reason for you to be feeling this way. After standing there for a few moments you backed up a few steps away from the train moments before backing into someone behind you instead, you tripped over their shoe but they caught you by the arm, you turn around.

You look up to realize Draco has been watching you struggle to take another step. "Oh hi...sorry" I said looking down at my shoes. "It's Kassie right?" Malfoy looked down at you raising an eyebrow as he said this with his hands in the pockets of his robe. "Yeah, and yeah, I'm nervous I don't know why though..I was fine the last two years" I say with a nervous shrug, "Well backing away from the train isn't going to do anything at all for you" Malfoy's voice sounded a little cold, and his expression was serious as he took your arm and marched towards the train with you. "HEY! You can't just do that!!!" You shouted trying to pull your arm out of his grip with your other arm, he was completely dragging you at this point, whenever you stopped walking your feet slid on the floor following his, but it didn't hurt your wrist, which did surprise you considering how strong of a grip he had on you. "You can't back up from all of your problems Kassie" he said with a playful voice, a smile formed on his face as he was amused by the situation.

You both made it into the train. Draco was still holding onto your wrist not letting you go. "We're on the train now Draco let go of my wrist! My god" you said in annoyance. He didn't reply and kept walking and held onto you until he got to the back of the train, pushing people away who were in his way. After what felt like forever, he finally found a place for the both of you to sit. He let go of your wrist and playfully pushed you onto one of the booths in the cabin he found. Your hands hit the leather cushion when he pushed you. You sat up straight and then moved to the end of the seat, where you could lean on the wall. Draco sat himself in the booth in front of you, chuckling at himself. "Don't do that again." You pout as you cross your arms avoiding eye contact. "Oh please, your so sensitive" Malfoy scoffs and glanced at you from the other side of the table that was separating the two booths. "I'm not sensitive" you growled "that was SO embarrassing" you say as your face flushes with red, "people were staring because it probably looked like you were trying to kidnap me or something" you say, still frustrated with Malfoy. Malfoy smirked at you and rolled his eyes, "yeah but I wasn't kidnapping you was I?", "No but it looks like you were!" You said still avoiding eye contact with him.

Draco looked away and out the window as the train finally started moving, and then he looked back to her, "you know....I really thought you would've grown over the summer", I slowly look at him with my jaw slightly dropped at what he just said to me, "I mean surely you would've grown at least an inch or look the same really" he said with a smirk on his face, "you are dead for that one." I say playfully but also quite serious before looking back out the window, Malfoy laughs at his own joke and your reaction. You sigh, "just shut up" you say quickly and your face flushes red with embarrassment again. Malfoy stops laughing but a slight smile is still on his face as you both look out the window.

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