"I don't think he will ever forgive us for that. Not that I can even forgive myself. I ignored him and didn't even notice." Says Charles.

"You can't really blame him for being mad about that." Says Alex and Charles shook his head.

"No, and I'm not. I think I will never get the bond with him like I have with Lorenzo."

"That will be difficult if he doesn't open up." Says Lando and Charles nods.

"You don't know, it can still come." Says George.

"It wouldn't be the same. I've barely seen him since he was 13, and even before that I was away for karting with Lorenzo and our dad." Says Charles.

“What's his name?” Asks Lando.

"Arthur." Answers Charles. "Man, I feel so bad, my stomach hurts." Groans Charles and lays his head on the table.

"I remember being young, and I was so excited when they told us that Maman was pregnant. I've always wanted a little brother or sister. When Arthur was born, two days before my birthday, I was so happy. Watching him grow up, walking and all that. I was so proud, and then I went away for karting longer than a day. Since then, I already lost him I think. I was so busy with making a career that I didn't pay attention to Arthur. Getting into single seaters was the point I really went away with Lorenzo and dad for a little while before he got sick."

"That's harsh, you yourself too." Says Alex and Charles nods.

"I have never been the big brother to him like Lorenzo was to me. Something I really wanted and I got the chance and blew it. I didn't even know he started Uni!" Says Charles.

"No way?" Says George, and Charles looks at the table.

"A lot that happened in his life I don't know about, and I know it's a reason why he's like this right now." Says Charles, and runs a hand through his hair.

"And I'm not sure if I will ever know what happened or if I can help him."


"Hey, let him go!" The arms were off his body and Arthur fell back on the ground, leaning against the wall.

"Go away before I call the police." Shouts a boy, and he hears a wiping sound in the background.

“Hey, are you okay?” The boy with dark blond hair squats in front of him and Arthur looks at him but doesn't speak.

"They are gone, don't worry. Are you hurt? Stupid question, of course you are." He says, but Arthur still doesn't react but keeps staring at him.

"Did they hit his head?" Asks the boy behind him.

"I don't know, hey-." Says the boy and grabs Arthur's chin with his fingers

Arthur felt the world spinning around him. His head hurts, and the spinning makes him nauseous.

"Do we have to call the ambulance?"

"No." Groans Arthur out and pulls his face away.

"What is wrong? How do you feel?" Ask the boy.

"I'm dizzy." Arthur says.

"He talks, that's good."

"But it took a very long time before he seemed to come around."

Did he pass out? No idea.

"I'm okay." Whispers Arthur, but couldn't help the groan leaving his mouth when he wants to sit up.

"Carefully." The boy helps him sit up and that's when Arthur really sees his face.

That's the friend he saw when he was at Prema with Ollie.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now