( zero .ᐟ ) ⤹ back to school💫

Start from the beginning

"Two more weeks, then it's back to the Ravenclaw dorms." 

Polly also tried to make him look on the bright side — he didn't have to attend school twice! Polly had to attend Lady Tremaine's classes as soon as she was back from Hogwarts, for the heir to the throne had to be well versed in the country's politics, the country's economy, and of course, the ways of being a lady. 

"C'mon then," called Merlin, "let's give aunt Mary a final heart-attack before you run away for God knows how many months." 


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Queen Maryanne did not mess around when it came to the royal kids' safety. 

"Mum I swear we won't fall!" 

"What about Archie?" 

"It's Merlin!" Merlin despised his first name, hence the use of the middle name. "And I won't fall down either, Auntie Mary, you can trust me." 

"Down." Mary narrowed her eyes. "Now." 

As much as Pollyanna enjoyed annoying her mother, especially when she felt chaotic, she didn't want to die by the Queen's hands, and so she started to slowly climb back down, her riding gear now dirty from the dust on the tree, and almost made a show of slipping down the trunk. . .until she realised she'd have to be alive to make it Hogwarts. 

But wouldn't it be interesting to add in another ghost to the collection?

Yes, but not so early. Perhaps after graduation? 

Maryanne wasn't happy with the kids breaking her explicit rules of not messing about in the courtyard, or anywhere that wasn't safe. What if it were the King who'd found them instead of Mary? 

She twisted an ear each of the kids, pulling them along with her towards the castle. 

"Ow, ow, ow!" Polly winced, "Mum! I'm sorry!" 

Maryanne twisted her face into a little smile at the apology. She didn't let go of them entirely, but only loosened her grip, "Come on, Polly, I've got to help you pack for school. And as for Merlin, we've got some news." 

Merlin sucked in a short breath - news for him could only mean health from his doctors, which were seldom positive. 

Polly and Mary both noticed his sudden drop in mood, - that being the reason why Mary switched to a comforting squeeze on his shoulder rather than pulling his ear and Polly started talking, or rather ranting, about Lady Tremaine to her mother. 

"Professor!" Polly tried her best not to appear troubled when she took notice of her transfiguration teacher on her living room couch - a living room big enough to serve as a flat for three. "Not that I mind, but uh, to what do we owe this pleasure?" 

"Well, Miss Williams." McGonagall peered down at the girl, well aware why she was so fidgety. "It appears that you are not the only member of this family capable of being part of the magical world." 

McGonagall switched her gaze to Archie, her stern expression morphing into a soft smile, "Prince Archie, I believe this is for you." 

The letter she held out was clearly affirming Polly's thoughts - Merlin got in! A wide grin was on her face, though the surprise didn't wear off. 

"Polly, please take your brother to his room while Professor has a conversation with Auntie Susan and Uncle Robert," Polly's father, Jonathan, asked, giving a warm smile to the children as he did so. 

Smiling was common in the family, maybe. 

As soon as they were out of the family's sight and within the secrecy of the corridors - lest the guards standing outside the occupied bedrooms, but they never told anyone about the princess's outbursts of excitement - Polly jumped in joy and gave out a squeal, hugging the dear life out of Merlin. 

"Christ, Polly, to think you can barely stand having me around for a month." Merlin hugged her back, his grin just as wide as hers - if not more. 

"Oh, I can't stand you for more than a week." Polly pulled away and started hopping towards his bedroom. "But if you're coming to Hogwarts with me, then it just means that I can prank you every other week instead of every six months!" 

 "But if you're coming to Hogwarts with me, then it just means that I can prank you every other week instead of every six months!" 

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author's note: hello!! this was just a short chapter, an intro of sorts, towards polly and her family. sorry that it had to be messy! there will be more of polly, her parents, merlin, and ofc, james to come in future chapters, when polly returns to hogwarts <3

take care, ily! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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