Part 1

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One year ago

There were 2 jackets made. 

One for Lando, obviously as he was the driver. And the second... for Lando as well. (He had a tendency to lose/break things). The design team was very proud. An F1 jacket to rule all other F1 jackets. With custom patches, the iconic papaya orange, and of course, NORRIS 4 printed along the back. 

Lando was grateful, as always, making sure to take extra care with the jacket.

He, of course,  then left it behind. 

But it just so happened that he left it in Melbourne, in the Albert Park Circuit. 

And it also just so happened, that the cleaner who very kindly picked it up, had no idea who Lando Norris was. And, of course, had no idea that this was his jacket, and not just another piece of orange-colored merchandise. So, the cleaner picked up the jacket and tossed it into the lost and found. 

Lando did not realize he'd left the jacket behind until it was too late. (That's why they made a second). He eventually learned to love and treasure items of clothing, and did manage to not the next one for a whole year.

The poor lost jacket, however, continued to lay in the lost and found for months, gathering dust as people piled other jackets, shirts, hats, scarfs, bras, (what?), and other items of clothing until the poor jacket couldn't see the light of day. 

Thank goodness, however, that the owners of Albert Park Circuit were firm believers in reduce reuse and recycle because once a year they donated all the clothes in the lost and found to a local thrift shop. 

And thank goodness, Amelia's best guy friend, (who just happened to be in Melbourne on a trip), just happened to be told by Amelia's best girl friend, that she was planning on surprising her with tickets to the F1 race at Albert Park Circuit. And thank goodness once more, that this man was also a firm believer in reducing reuse and recycle, and shopped purely at thrift stores. 

So, after a year of sitting in a box, that jacket finally got picked up from the shelves, the 20-dollar price tag hanging off it, (pricy for a thrift shop), and was purchased. Its new owner waiting down in Sydney, blissfully unaware of anything that was to come. 

All because of this silly jacket.

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